Web Science Lab

WS4D 2025: Event Postponed

The Web Science Lab (WSL) at IIIT Bangalore focuses on building models to extract semantics and understand the impact of the web on different facets of human life. The lab also has research projects on using Web Technologies in various fields like Education. There are research projects on building models for understanding and utilising open data and open ended data.

Typical research pursuits of WSL include the following:

  • Mining semantic associations from text and social media data
  • Building computational models for various socio-cognitive phenomena on the web (like formation of collective opinions, creation of celebrities, etc.)
  • Semantic integration of formal web data
  • Building computational models for Navigated learning towards digital empowerment
  • Building agent based models.

WSL is part of the global Web Observatory grid established by the Web Science Trust, It is also part of the world wide network of laboratories called WSTNet.

WSL is part of Navigated Learning Collaborative under Gooru.

The Centre of Excellence in Big Data Engineering is hosted by WSL.

WSL was earlier called the Open Systems Lab (OSL) which had a much broader research scope.