Activity Log 2017

11 December 2017. Srinath Srinivasa. Presented a talk entitled “A Case for Open-ended Data” at E-governments Foundation, Bengaluru.

28 November 2017. WSL. “Web Science Lab Workshop” at IIIT Bangalore. WSL Workshop 2017

23-25 October 2017. Raksha P S. Participated in the International Conference on Ontologies, Databases, and Applications of Semantics (ODBASE 2017), at Rhodes, Greece, and presented a research paper entitled: “Identifying Opinion Drivers on Social Media

23-25 October 2017. Asha Subramanian and Srinath Srinivasa. Participated in the 16th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2017), at Vienna, Austria, and presented a demo paper entitled: “Towards Semantically Aggregating Indian Open Government Data from data. gov. in

16 October 2017. Raksha P S presented her seminar on the state-of-the-art and the thesis proposal entitled, “Characterizing the marketplace of opinions.”

13 October 2017. Jaya Appukuttan successfully cleared her comprehensive exam.

20-21 September 2017. Chaitali Diwan presented paper “Autonomous Spectrum Assignment of White Space Devices” at 12th EAI International Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks (CROWNCOM 2017), held in Lisbon, Portugal.

5 September 2017. Gooru labs was formally inaugurated at IIIT Bangalore, by Prof. Rajagopalan, Dr. Sridhar Mitta and Dr. Prasad Ram.

4 August 2017. Asha Subramanian completed her open seminar entitled, “Semantic Integration and Knowledge Representation of Open Data Powered by Linked Open Data” as a pre-requisite requirement to the submission of her PhD thesis.

21-30 June 2017. Srinath Srinivasa visited Gooru HQ at Redwood City, California as part of the ongoing collaboration for setting up Gooru Labs at IIIT Bangalore.

5–8 June 2017. Asha Subramanian presented her work at the Data Science Congress 2017 held in CIDCO Convention Centre, Vashi, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. Abstract of the paper can be found at Abstract

27 April 2017. Raksha P S finished her PhD Comprehensive exam.

24 April 2017. Final Project reviews for Semester Jan-May 2017 at Web Science Lab IIIT Bangalore.

19 April 2017 – 20 April 2017. Workshop on Big Data Engineering at IIIT Bangalore. This workshop is a part of a project Co-creation of a Center of Excellence in Big Data Engineering , a collaboration between IIIT-B and City University London, to set up a centre of excellence in Big Data Engineering.

8 April 2017. Asha Subramanian and Raksha P S presented poster and demo of their work at RISE “Open House,” IIIT Bangalore.

7 April 2017. Asha Subramanian and Raksha P S presented their work at PhD Colloquium, IIIT Bangalore.

29 March 2017. Srinath Srinivasa, Dean R & D, IIIT Bangalore. Attended European Research Council (ERC) meeting in Delhi representing IIIT Bangalore.

15 March 2017. Visit of Prasad Ram(Pram), Founder and CEO of at Web Science Lab, IIIT Bangalore.

13 March 2017. Project Review 2 of the projects at Web Science Lab, IIIT Bangalore.

8 February 2017. Srinath Srinivasa. Took office as the Dean (R&D) of IIIT Bangalore.

6 February 2017. Project Review 1 of the projects at Web Science Lab, IIIT Bangalore.

9th January 2017 – 13th January 2017. Srinath Srinivasa, Visited Gooru HQ at Redwood City, California, as a part of continuing the collaboration initiative.

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