Balambiga Ayappane

Balambiga Ayappane is a full-time Research Student at IIIT Bangalore. She is currently focusing on Data Science and Security. She has completed her B.E in Information Science and Engineering from PES Institute of Technology, Bangalore. Her areas of interest include Blockchain and Information Security.

Aparna M

Aparna M is a full time MS by Research student at Web Science Lab. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Information Science engineering from VTU. She has 2 years of work experience in Middleware development for supply chain management. Her areas of interest include Natural Language processing, NLP in Indian and Low-resource languages and Semi-supervised learning.

For more, please visit her LinkedIn profile.


Workshop on Web Science for Digital Capabilities (WSDC 2021)

Co-located with the 13th ACM Web Science Conference

June 21, 2021, Online workshop 


9:30 – 10:00Session 1:
Introduction to the Workshop
Bidisha Chaudhuri /
Srinath Srinivasa
IIIT Bangalore
10:00 – 11:30Session 2Discussant: Nirmal SivaramanLNMIIT
Leveraging technology to improve quality of mental health care in Karnataka (Full Paper)T K Srikanth, Girish N Rao, Rajani Parthasarathy, Divya Raj, Suresh Bada Math, Seema Mehrotra, Jagadisha Thirthalli, C Naveen Kumar, Paulomi Sudhir and Deepak Jayarajan1. IIIT Bangalore, 2. National Health Mission, Dept of Health and Family Welfare Services, Govt. of Karnataka, 3.National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences, Bangalore,
AIoT: AI meets IoT and Web in Smart Health Care (Full Paper)Asoke Talukder and Roland Haas1. SRIT India, 2. IIIT Bangalore
11:30 – 11:45Informal Meeting/Break
11:45 – 13:15Session 3Discussant: Roland HaasIIIT Bangalore
Assisted Telemedicine Model for Rural Healthcare Ecosystem (Full Paper)Divya Raj and T K SrikanthIIIT Bangalore
Event Detection in Twitter using Social Synchrony and Average Number of Common Friends (Short Paper)Nirmal Sivaraman, Jaswant Reddy Tokala, Radha Sai Rupesh Ch V and Sakthi MuthiahLNMIIT
SceVar (Scenario Variations) Database: Real World Statistics driven Scenario Variations for AV Testing in Simulation (Short Paper)Sagar Pathrudkar, Saikat Mukherjee, Vijaya Sarathi Indla and Manish ChowdhurySiemens India
13:15 – 14:00Lunch Break
14:00 – 15:00Session 4: Keynote

Digital Capabilities of the Web – Not Easy and Not Automatic

Although the Web is officially recognised as starting in CERN in 1989, people had been trying to build a world-wide network of communication for over a century before that. The idea that a new form of communication could underpin a new opportunity for a better society was widely understood, and the basis of UNESCO’s MacBride report in 1980. This optimism led to the development within the academic sector of agendas for Open Access, Open Source Software, Open Data, Open Education and Open Science. In this talk I will reflect on the experience of being involved in these activities, what they have achieved to date, and how we might progress the digital capabilities agenda as we develop the future of the Web.
Les CarrUniversity of Southampton
Discussant: Srinath SrinivasaIIIT Bangalore
15:00 – 16:00Introduction to Web Science at IIITB / Informal meeting / Break
16:00 – 17:30Session 5Discussant: TK SrikanthIIIT Bangalore
Towards Evaluating Students’ Digital Capabilities: An Analysis of UK Further Education Student Surveys (Full Paper)Tim O’Riordan and Daniel DennisPlumpton College, UK
Diabetes Tracker: An Information System to assist and track nutritional information (Full Paper)Vipula Rawte, Hongyi Huang, Michael Morrison, Janine Wu, Travis Peterson and Thilanka MunasingheRensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Empowerment of individuals and communities is a critical factor for achieving several of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) formulated by the UN. World over, development economics has come to define empowerment as the ability of individuals and societies to protect and enhance an abstract notion of “well-being”. This in turn, is facilitated by an abstract notion of “capability” that is sought to be enhanced with relevant interventions. Depending on the context, the terms “well-being” and “capability” can take on different definitions, and may be composed of different building blocks– be it education, health-care, safety, wealth creation, and so on. 

Digital Capabilities is an emerging term that relates the development economics notion of capability with ICT– especially Web and Internet technologies, as an enabler. The idea of digital capabilities is not just concerned with developing economies, but is fast becoming center-stage worldwide, following the COVID pandemic and the resultant disruptions in the functioning of societies, economies and countries. Digital capabilities in areas like mobile payments, online learning, online political campaigns, virtual conferences, tele-medicine, remote working, and so on, have grown tremendously during the pandemic, and are likely to stay on even beyond the pandemic. 

It is hence timely and relevant to develop and establish the concept of Digital Capabilities, that can give us a framework to interpret, analyze and design in the context of social empowerment and well-being. The proposed workshop aims to bring together a disparate and eclectic population of researchers, practitioners and policy-makers to help build this emerging discipline.

Call for papers

Capabilities framework presents a people-centric approach to conceptualise and evaluate ideas of  human development, justice and individual well-being. At the core of this approach is the idea of people’s valued functioning, that is, real opportunities to achieve what a

person values to do and to be (Sen 1993; Zheng 2007). With this primary focus on human freedom and well-being, it is considered to be an appropriate framework to assess the developmental potential of technologies – be it education, health-care, safety, wealth creation, and so on. While Information and Communication Technology (ICT), especially web and mobile technologies, has been recognised as a critical factor in improving human well-being, Capabilities framework allow us to treat them as enablers that help in formulating the real opportunities for valued functioning and also acknowledges the interpersonal and demographic variation in converting those opportunities. Moreover, without discounting the importance of technology for development, it underlines the significance of context and situated agency of users to evaluate the actual effectiveness of technologies (Dreze and Sen 2002).

We invoke the term “digital capabilities” to refer to the possibilities and potential of digital technologies for human development across varied contexts. This concept from human development literature becomes even more relevant in the promptly changing world in the wake of the pandemic. Web and mobile technologies in areas like mobile payments, online learning, online political campaigns, virtual conferences, tele-medicine, remote working, and so on, have grown tremendously during the pandemic, and are likely to stay on even beyond the pandemic.

It is hence timely and relevant to develop and establish the concept of Digital Capabilities, that can give us a framework to interpret, analyze and design web and mobile technologies in the context of socio-economic diversity, well-being and justice. The proposed workshop aims to bring together a disparate and eclectic population of researchers, practitioners and policy-makers to help build this emerging interdisciplinary field of knowledge and practice.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • AI for empowerment
  • Data-driven Governance
  • Data privacy and security
  • Digital Surveillance and its impacts
  • Mobile and e-Administration
  • Mobile payments
  • Remote health-care
  • Remote learning and literacy
  • Social Cognition and worldviews
  • Social media and community empowerment
  • Technology for public health and epidemic response
  • Technology and mental health
  • Technology and social inclusion
  • Technology-enhanced learning

Papers developing some concept of digital capabilities, showing either finished results or work in progress, are all welcome. Experience reports and application papers are also welcome.

Papers should be formatted according to the ACM SIG Conference proceedings template (acmart.cls). Please submit papers as PDF files using the ACM Submission template (single column). To create your PDF submission, you may use either Microsoft Word format or the ACM LaTeX template on Overleaf (ACM Conference Proceedings “Master” Template) using the “manuscript” option. A full description of the procedure can be found in this link ( For the review process, manuscripts should be of approx. 9-13 pages length single column (inclusive of references, appendices, etc.)

Papers should be uploaded using the EasyChair portal for the workshop on this URL:

Accepted papers will later be re-formatted with the sigconf style (double column) at camera-ready time. When changing to this style manuscripts may also need to be adjusted to the corresponding final page limit of between 6 and 10 pages (inclusive of references, appendices, etc.).

Proceedings of the workshop will be published as a companion volume to the ACM WebSci proceedings.

Important Dates:

April 23, 2021: Workshop paper submission deadline

April 30, 2021 May 4 2021: Acceptance Notification

May 10, 2021 May 14 2021: Final (camera-ready) submission deadline

Note: To create your PDF submission, you may use either Microsoft Word format or the ACM LaTeX template on Overleaf (ACM Conference Proceedings “Master” Template) using the “manuscript” option. A full description of the procedure can be found in this link (

June 21-22, 2021: Workshops and Tutorials

Shyam Kumar V N

Shyam is a Part-time MS by Research student at Web Science Lab, IIIT Bangalore. He holds a PG Diploma in Data Analytics from IIIT Bangalore & UpGrad and a B.E in Computer Science and Engineering from VTU. He has around 6.5 years of industry experience and has worked in Hewlett Packard Enterprise (now DXC Technologies) as a Data Engineer and is currently employed at Societe Generale Global Solution Centre. He works in the areas of Data Warehousing, Big Data & Analytics, Machine Learning.

His research interests are Natural Language Understanding, Natural Language Processing, Knowledge representation and management, Data Governance.

For more, please visit his LinkedIn profile.


  1. Shyam Kumar V N, Chaitali Diwan, Srinath Srinivasa and Prasad Ram. Creating Navigable Competency Maps from Learning Resource Corpora. International Conference on Data Science and Management of Data (CODS-COMAD) 2021, Bangalore, India, January 2-4, 2021.
  2. Sharath Srivatsa, Shyam Kumar V N, Srinath Srinivasa. The Story Of Computational Narratology. In Quaterly Publication of  “Advanced Computing and Communications Society” (ACCS), December, 2018.

Prakhar Mishra

Prakhar Mishra is a Full-time MS by Research student at WSL, IIIT-Bangalore. He holds a bachelor’s degree in CSE from The LNM Institute of Information Technology, Jaipur. He has a total industry work experience of 3 years in the field of Data Science, particularly in NLP and Text Analytics. His areas of interest include Unsupervised Learning, Natural Language Understanding, and Generation. He also owns a Blog and Youtube channel which you can find here and here respectively.

For more, please visit his LinkedIn profile.


  1. Prakhar Mishra, Chaitali Diwan, Srinath Srinivasa, G.Srinivasaraghavan. Automatic Title Generation for Text with Pre-trained Transformer Language Model. 15th IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing
  2. Lalingkar, A., Mishra, P., Mandyam, S., Pattanayk, J. and Srinivasa, S. (2020), Building a Model for Finding Quality of Affirmation in a Discussion Forum, In Proceedings of the 20th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), IEEE
  3. Song year prediction using Apache Spark published in 2016 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI)

Pooja Bassin

Pooja is a Ph.D. Candidate in Web Science Lab. She worked as a Research Associate for one year at WSL, IIIT Bangalore. She has completed Master of Technology in Computer Science and Master of Computer Applications from Banasthali Vidyapith, Jaipur, Rajasthan. Before joining as a student here, she taught at various degree colleges in Jaipur and Mumbai with a total of 4 years of teaching experience. Her areas of interest are Network Science, Semantic Web, Causal Inference.

Pooja’s LinkedIn Profile

Naman Churiwala

Naman Churiwala is a Research Assistant at Web Science Lab, IIIT Bangalore. He holds a B.Tech in Material Science from IIT Kanpur. His research interests include Computer Vision in Medical Images, Speech Recognition and Knowledge Graphs.

He has one year of industry experience at Quantiphi Analytics, where he worked on Medical Image Classification, Automated Drug Discovery, and Toxicity Prediction of Molecules.

Aparna Lalingkar

Aparna is a postdoctorate research fellow in Web Science Labs. She is working on social learning paradigm of Navigated Learning. Along with her research, she is working as research program manager for Mphasis CoE for Cognitive Computing. For a year she had also worked as a research project manager on Gooru project. Before joining Web Science labs, She was a postdoctorate research fellow at University of Haifa, Israel under the fellowship of Planning and Budgeting Commission of Israeli Higher Education.

She is a mathematician and educational technologist with PhD in Information Technology. For PhD she had proposed an ontology for teaching problem solving in mathematics. Her research interest include: application of Information Technology to Education specifically mathematics and science education, application of semantic web technology to education, ontological engineering and management, online assessment, automation of applications, educational technology and management.

She earned an MPhil in math education research from Cambridge University, UK and have received several academic fellowships and awards including HP Labs fellowship for PhD, DFID & CCT fellowship for MPhil.

She has wide range of teaching and work experience. She has taught to tribal students as well as intellectually gifted students. She has also taught graduate level and master’s level students. During PhD at IIITB, she has mentored MTech students for some projects.

She  is also interested in social work, Indian culture and ancient Indian knowledge. She has worked as a Sevavrati for Vivekanand Kendra in the North Eastern region of India. She had worked as a joint secretary for Vivekanand Kendra Pune and during her association with VK, she had organized youth camps, personality development camps, conducted workshops and delivered lectures on life and work of Swami Vivekananda. She is a voracious reader in both Marathi and English and write regularly blog articles as well as articles in newspapers and magazines in Marathi and some times in English.

Her LinkedIn profile can be accessed here

Her ResearchGate profile can be accessed here

Publications: (Publications can be downloaded from my ResearchGate profile)

Journal Publications:

  1. Aparna Lalingkar, Srinath Srinivasa, PrasadRam (2019), Characterization of Technology-based Mediations for Navigated Learning, Advanced Computing and Communications, Vol 3 (2), June 2019, ACCS  Publications, pp. 33-47. (Paper Link)
  2. Lalingkar, A. (2017). Applet Ontology as a Tool for Automatic Assessment of Applet-based Assessment Tasks, Journal of Computers in Education, Vol 5 (1), Dec 2017.  (Cited by 2 as per GoogleScholar citation index) (Paper Link )
  3. Lalingkar, A.; Chandrashekar, R. & Ramani, S. (2015). MONTO: Machine Readable Ontology for Teaching Word Problems in Mathematics, Journal of Educational Technology and Society, Vol 18 (3), July 2015, pp. 197-213. (SSCI indexed journal with 5-year impact factor of 1.34 as per Thomson Scientific Journal Citations Reports, and with Google Scholar h5-index of 39) (Cited by 6 as per GoogleScholar) (Paper Link )
  4. Lalingkar, A.; Chandrashekar, R. & Ramani, S. (2014). Ontology-based Smart Learning Environment for Teaching Word Problems in Mathematics, Journal of Computers in Education, 1 (4), December 2014, Springer, pp. 313-334. (Cited by 11 as per GoogleScholar citation index) (Paper Link )
  5. Lalingkar, A. (2007). Comprehensive Review of Research in Comparative Education, Perspectives in Education, Vol 23 (3), October 2007, PP. 249-257. (Paper Link)
  6. Lalingkar, A. (2007). Comparison of geometry curricula with respect to objectives and content in India and England for the age group 14 to 16 years, Perspectives in Education, Vol 23 (2), April 2007, pp. 122-129. (Paper Link)

Conference Publications:

  1. Lalingkar, A., Mishra, P., Mandyam, S., Pattanayk, J. and Srinivasa, S. (2020), Building a Model for Finding Quality of Affirmation in a Discussion Forum, In Proceedings of the 20th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), IEEE, 6th July to 9th July, Turtu, Estonia (Digital Conference). (Paper Link)
  2. Lalingkar, A.; Srinivasa, S. & Ram, P. (2018). Deriving Semantics of Learning Mediations, In Proceedings of the 18th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), IEEE, pp. 54-55. (Cited by 1 as per GoogleScholar citation index) (Paper Link)
  3. Lalingkar, A.; Chandrashekhar, R. & Ramani, S. (2014). Ontology-based Smart Learning Environment for Teaching Word Problems in Mathematics, In G. Chen, V. Kumar, Kinshuk, R. Huang & S. C. Kong (Eds) Emerging Issues in 3 Smart Learning, Lecture Notes In Educational Technology, Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 251-258. (Cited by 4 as per GoogleScholar citation index) This paper has won the best paper award!
  4. Lalingkar, A.; Chandrashekhar, R. & Ramani, S. (2011). An Educational Resources Broker System for Collaborative Sharing of Knowledge-Centric Content, In the Proceedings of International Conference on Technology for Education, July 14-16, 2011, Chennai, India. (Cited by 1 as per GoogleScholar citation index) (Paper Link )
  5. Lalingkar, A., & Ramani, S. (2010). A Web-based Study Facilitation System. In the Proceedings of ED-MEDIA 2010: World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications, June 28- July 2, 2010, Toronto, Canada. (Cited by 3 as per GoogleScholar citation index) (Paper Link )
  6. Lalingkar, A., & Ramani, S. (2009). A Student’s Assistant for Open e-learning. In the Proceedings of T4E’09: International Conference on Technology for Education, August 4-6, 2009, Bangalore, India, 62-67. (Cited by 4 as per GoogleScholar citation index) (Paper Link )

Anurag Mohanty

Anurag is a MS Research (Part-time) Student at Web Science Lab, IIT- Bangalore. His research interests are in Cognitive computing, Semantic analysis, NLP,  Knowledge Representation and Reasoning methods, Knowledge and Learning systems.

He has around 16 years of working Industry Experience in Software Development, Solution Architecture, Machine Learning and Data Science. He is currently working as a Data Scientist in IBM Pvt. Ltd. His prior formal education background includes B.E. in Computer Science and MBA (Finance).

Linked-In Profile

Sharath Srivatsa

Sharath Srivatsa is a MS by Research (part-time) student at Web Science Lab. He has Bachelor’s degree in Information Science and Engineering from B.M.S. College of Engineering, Bangalore. He has 12 years of work experience in software development using Web Technologies and from past 3 years he is working in Data Analytics projects with current employer. He has worked on Sentiment Analysis using Natural Language Processing (NLP), Web Crawlers and Big Data. His areas of interest include Natural Language Understanding (NLU), Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Web Science. For more, please visit his Linkedin Profile.

Course work

  • Distributed Computing (CS/DS 702)
    • Project report: Analysis of Distributed Snapshot Algorithms pdf
  • Data Analytics (DS 707)
  • Network Science for the web (DS 608)
  • Foundations for Big Data Algorithms (CS/DS 812)


  1. Sharath Srivatsa, Srinath Srinivasa. Narrative Plot Comparison Based on a Bag-of-actors Document Model in Proceedings of the 29th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media (ACM HT’18), Baltimore, USA, ACM Press, July 2018.

Academic Magazine Articles

  1. Sharath Srivatsa, Shyam Kumar V N, Srinath Srinivasa. The Story Of Computational Narratology. In Quaterly Publication of  “Advanced Computing and Communications Society” (ACCS), December, 2018.
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