Books and Book Chapters


Rajeev Gupta, Srinath Srinivasa. Proceedings of the Workshop on Enterprise Knowledge Graphs using Large Language Models (EKG-LLM 2023), co-located with 32nd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2023), CEUR Workshop Proceedings #3532, 2023.


Pooja Bassin, Niharika Sri Parasa, Srinath Srinivasa, and Sridhar Mandyam. “Big Data Management for Policy Support in Sustainable Development.” In Big-Data-Analytics in Astronomy, Science, and Engineering: 9th International Conference on Big Data Analytics, BDA 2021, Virtual Event, December 7–9, 2021, Proceedings, p. 3. Springer Nature.


Dharanipragada Janakiram and Naveen Sharma and Srinath Srinivasa (Eds). Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Urban Data Science (UDS). CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol. 2557, Aachen, ISSN: 1613-0073. January 2020.

Srinath Srinivasa and Jayati Deshmukh. “The Evolution of Computational Agency.Novel Approaches to Information Systems Design. IGI Global, 2020. 1-19. ISBN13: 9781799829751


Subramanian, A., and S. Srinivasa. “Semantic Interpretation and Integration of Open Data Tables.” In Geospatial Infrastructure, Applications and Technologies: India Case Studies, pp. 217-233. Springer, Singapore, 2018.


Srinath Srinivasa, Sameep Mehta (Eds.). Big Data Analytics (Vol 3). Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Big Data Analytics, New Delhi, India, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 8883. Springer, December 2014.


Vasudha Bhatnagar, Srinath Srinivasa (Eds.). Big Data Analytics (Vol 2). Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Big Data Analytics, Mysore, India, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 8302. Springer, December 2013.


Srinath Srinivasa, Vasudha Bhatnagar (Eds.). Big Data Analytics. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Big Data Analytics, New Delhi, India, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 7678. Springer, December 2012


Srinath Srinivasa. Data, Storage and Index Models for Graph Databases. In S. Sakr, E. Pardede, “Graph Data Management: Techniques and Applications.” IGI Global, August 2011, ISBN13:9781613500538.


Hsinchun Chen, Michael Chau, Shu-hsing Li, Shalini Urs, Srinath Srinivasa, G Alan Wang (Eds.). Intelligence and Security Informatics. Springer LNCS 6122. June 2010.

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