Activity Log 2019

17 Dec 2019. Srinath Srinivasa and WSL team conducted Computational Narratology Workshop at AnhillHacks, Devarayana Durga, Karnataka, India

16 Dec 2019. Srinath Srinivasa. Delivered a lecture on Navigated Learning at the Geetha Shishu Shikshana Sangha (GSSS), Mysuru, India.

12 Dec 2019. Srinath Srinivasa. Visited the think tank Public Affairs Centre in relation to the setting up of a Centre for Data Driven Governance at IIITB.

11 Dec 2019. WSL Winter Workshop 2019

25 Nov 2019. Srinath Srinivasa participated in the expert committee meeting of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI), New Delhi.

22 Nov 2019. Srinath Srinivasa presented a talk on Navigated Learning, at the University of Goa, Bambolim, Goa, India.

18 – 20 Nov 2019. Srinath Srinivasa, Raksha P S,  Pooja Bassin and Jayati Deshmukh presented Cogno Web Observatory at Bangalore Tech Summit, 2019

15th Nov 2019. Srinath Srinivasa, Aparna Lalingkar, Prakhar Mishra and Shyam Kumar V N presented a talk “Precision Learning for the Enterprise” to Mphasis through a Webinar. Total 108 participants globally participated in the Webinar.

7 Nov 2019. Srinath Srinivasa participated in the UK-India Tech Partnership Workshop at Bangalore, India.

19 Sep 2019. Chaitali Diwan. Presented her paper entitled “Automatic Generation of Coherent Learning Pathways from Open Educational Resources” at the 14th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning at TU Delft, Netherlands.

9 Sep 2019. Srinath Srinivasa, Chaitali Diwan. Presented a talk entitled “Navigated Learning: Pedagogy for a Connected World” as part of the Mphasis-Samvaad talk series, at IIITB, Bangalore, India.

30 Aug 2019. Srinath Srinivasa. Presented an invited talk entitled “Text, Semantics and Stories” as part of the Samsung-IIITB AI Conclave, Bangalore, India.

27 Aug 2019. Ramesh Sundararaman, Sujit Kumar Chakrabarti, Srinath Srinivasa. Participated in the Huawei University Day to present an overview of IIITB Research in Software Engineering and Data Science, at the Huawei R&D Campus in Bangalore, India.

26th July 2019. Aparna Lalingkar, Shyam Krishna, Kumar Shubham went to the Mphasis main office to show the demo of projects covered in Mphasis CoE for Cognitive Computing during their board meeting.

22 Jul 2019. Srinath Srinivasa and Asha Subramanian (representing PAC India) participated in the launch workshop of the National Data Quality Forum (NDQF), organized by the Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR).

3 Jul 2019. Prasad Ram presented the paper “Validating Myth of Average” at 12th  International Conference on Educational Data Mining at Montreal, Canada

26th June 2019. Mphasis CoE for Cognitive Computing quarterly meeting was held and Precision Learning for Enterprise project demo is presented in the meeting.

10 Jun 2019. Gaurav Koley successfully defended his iMTech thesis entitled “Computing Social Capital as Engagement and Belief Revision”

3 Jun 2019. Praseeda presented her State of the Art Seminar titled “Competency Modeling for Navigated Learning”.

10 May 2019. WSL Research workshop to discuss about current research activities of the lab and the roadmap ahead. Workshop details at

11 Apr 2019. Dr Prasad Ram, Founder of Gooru Inc visited WSL lab and discussed about project updates and future plans.

18 Mar 2019. Chaitali Diwan presented her State of the Art Seminar titled “Automatic Generation of Learning Pathways for Navigated Learning”.

11 Mar 2019.  Aparna conducted a  workshop for Gooru as a resource person on “Navigated Learning” for a short term course at UGC-HRDC, University of Mumbai.

27 Feb 2019. Day long Workshop on Web Science for Development (WS4D) organised at IIIT Bangalore, with Dame Wendy Hall as the keynote speaker and numerous other speakers and participants from academia, industry and startups.

25-26 Feb 2019. Aayushman Khurana, Gaurav Koley, Raksha P S, Srinath Srinivasa participated in the RBCDSAI Web Science Symposium at IIT Madras, Chennai, India. Poster presentations and an invited talk entitled “Characterising Online Social Cognition” were delivered as part of this participation.

14th Feb 2019. Praseeda presented a paper titled “Competency Modeling for Digital Empowerment” at RISE (Research & Innovation Conference) 2019 at IIIT Bangalore.

14th Feb 2019. Chaitali Diwan presented a paper titled “Narrative Arc Computation for Digital Empowerment” at RISE (Research & Innovation Conference) 2019 at IIIT Bangalore.

13th Feb 2019. Aparna Lalingkar gave inaugural talk (as an alumnus) titled “Being a PhD Research Scholar: My Experiences” at RISE (Research & Innovation Conference) 2019 at IIIT Bangalore.

11-15 Feb 2019. Raksha P S presented a paper titled “Designing the Cogno-Web Observatory: To Characterize the Dynamics of Online Social Cognition” at the Twelfth ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM ’19), Melbourne, Australia.

5 Feb 2019. Prof Oliver Gunther, President of the University of Potsdam, Germany visited IIIT Bangalore and had interactions on various research projects of WSL lab and some startups incubated at IIIT Bangalore.

31 Jan 2019. Srinath Srinivasa participated as a panelist in the Awareness Workshop on Cyber Security and Privacy in Education, organised by Cyber Security Center of Excellence of the Government of Karnataka, Privacy Virtuoso, IISc and KSCST Bengaluru, at CSA Department, IISc, Bengaluru.

30 Jan 2019. Srinath Srinivasa participated in the Task Group Meeting on Big Data in Governance, of the Karnataka Jnana Aayoga, Vikasa Soudha, Bangalore.

25 Jan 2019. Dr Prasad Ram, Founder of Gooru Inc visited WSL lab and discussed about project updates and future plans.

19 Jan 2019. Srinath Srinivasa and Jayati Deshmukh participated in the ThoughtWorks E4R (Engineering for Research) Symposium on Complex Systems. Pune, India.

8 Jan 2019. Prof. Sharma Chakravarthy from UT Arlington presented a talk on “Graph Analysis: Decomposition-Based Analysis Using Multilayer Networks” at IIIT Bangalore.

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