Activity Log 2018

19 Dec 2018. Srinath Srinivasa presented an invited talk titled “Design of the Cogno Web Observatory for Characterizing Online Social Cognition” at The Sixth International Conference On Big Data Analytics (BDA) at NIT Warangal.

17-18 Dec 2018. Aparna Lalingkar presented series of talks in “Recent Trends in Teaching-Learning Technology” at North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon on Navigated Learning and Semantic Web technology and Education.

12 Dec 2018. Srinath Srinivasa participated as a panelist discussing the role of technology clusters in promoting innovation, at the IndoUK FutureTech conference, New Delhi, India.

11 Dec 2018. Srinath Srinivasa participated as a member of the technical panel of experts for the National Data & Analytics Portal at NITI Aayog, New Delhi, India.

7 Dec 2018. Praseeda successfully cleared her comprehensive exam.

23 Nov 2018. REACH Workshop was held at IIIT Bangalore. Click on REACH workshop 2018 for details.

21 Nov 2018. WSL workshop focused to reflect on the research progress in the last semester.

21 Nov 2018. Prof. Rajendra Bera presented an invited talk titled “Connecting the dots” as a part of the course The Web and The Mind.

12 Nov 2018. Srinath Srinivasa. Participated as a member of the Executive Committee on Data, at the EC meeting of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI), New Delhi, India.

8-9 Nov 2018. Srinath Srinivasa and Manish Gupta participated in the Falling Walls venture pitch, at the Falling Walls conference 2018, Berlin, Germany.

30 Oct 2018 – 1 Nov 2018. Aparna Lalingkar and Raksha P S presented posters titled “Learning Navigator – A Platform for Navigated Social Learning” and “Designing the Cogno – Web Observatory: To Characterise the Dynamics of Online Social Cognition” respectively at the 14th FICCI HIGHER EDUCATION SUMMIT 2018, at Vigyan Bhavan, New Delhi.

22-26 Oct 2018. Chaitali Diwan presented her work “Computing Exposition Coherence of Learning Resources” at the 17th International Conference on Ontologies, Databases and Applications of Semantics (ODBASE 2018), Valletta, Malta.

15 Oct 2018. Prof Srinath Srinivasa, Raksha P S, Chaitali Diwan presented a talk on “Understanding a post-web world” at Samvaad, IIIT Bangalore.

29 Sept 2018. Article published in New Indian Express regarding the Web Observatory project at WSL.

27 Sept 2018. Prof Sridhar Mandyam participated in the panel discussion on ” Leverage Cognitive Computing to address Challenges in Digital Empowerment” as a part of Symposium on “Cognitive Computing and Social Innovation” conducted by IIIT Bangalore and Mphasis. Praseeda moderated this panel discussion.

6 Sept 2018. Chaitali Diwan successfully cleared her comprehensive exam.

9-12 July. Aparna Lalingkar presented poster of her work “Deriving semantics of learning mediation” at the 18th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT) at IIT Bombay.

9-11 July. Sharath Srivatsa presented his work “Narrative Plot Comparison Based on a Bag-of-actors Document Model” in 29th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media (ACM HT’18) at Baltimore, USA.

10-11 July. Raksha P S attended “InDITA conference on Digital Inclusion through Trust and Agency” held at IIITB.  She also hosted a session named “Effects of Digital Identities (multiple) on Human Cognition or Behavior”. Key points of the session can be found in this link:

21-25 May 2018. Prof Srinath Srinivasa visited Web Science Institute, University of Southampton and City University of London, United Kingdom. Also presented a talk titled “Many Worlds on a Frame, Characterizing online social cognition” at the University of Southampton.

18 May 2018. Asha Subramanian successfully defended her Thesis titled “Semantic Integration And Knowledge Representation Of Open Data, Powered By Linked Open Data“.

15 May 2018. WSL. “Web Science Lab Workshop” at IIIT Bangalore discussing the research activities happening in the lab.

14 May 2018. Dr Prasad Ram, CEO of Gooru Learning visited Gooru Labs at IIITB for research collaborations and discussions.

26 April 2018. Project Reviews of all the projects in WSL.

13 April 2018. Jaya Appukuttan presented her seminar on the state-of-the-art and the thesis proposal entitled, “Semantic Summarization of User Generated Short Reports”.

3rd April 2018. Aravindh Raman from King’s College London presented his work “Content Delivery at the Edge: Possibilities and Solutions” at IIIT-Bangalore.

2nd April 2018. Prof. Oliver Guenther, President of the University of Potsdam, Germany visited IIIT-Bangalore and Gooru Labs. He delivered a talk “Defining a University Strategy – A European Perspective”.

5-9 March 2018. Prof. Srinath Srinivasa visited Gooru HQ at Redwood City, California for research and collaboration.

12th Jan 2018. Dr Prasad Ram, CEO of Gooru Learning visited Gooru Labs at IIITB and other teams in India. Several discussion meetings held at Gooru labs, whose minutes can be found in Gooru Knowledge Base.

11–13 Jan 2018. Raksha P S, Chaitali Diwan, Praseeda Kalkur. Participated in the 18th International Conference on Management of Data and Data Science (COMAD-CODS) at Goa, India.

3 Jan 2018. Dmytro Karamshuk, Senior Data Scientist at Skyscanner, presented his work on “Bridging big data and qualitative methods in the social sciences” at Gooru Labs, IIIT-Bangalore.

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