WSL Workshop – 27 November 2017

27 November 2017

Venue: Room no 102, IIIT Bangalore

Time: 9:30 AM to 4:30 PM

One day workshop to discuss, reflect and plan research work at the Web Sciences lab, IIIT Bangalore. Research Scholars to present their work, discuss ideas, share problems encountered, retrospect and provide updates on their progress. Project teams to show demo of their projects and share the technical implementations, updates and progress achieved. A reflection session and SWOT analysis of the Lab to reflect upon the past year and suggestions and improvement for the coming year.

Web Sciences Lab Workshop – 19th December 2016

Date: 19th December 2016

Venue: Room no 226, IIIT Bangalore

Time: 9:30 AM to 3:30 PM

We are conducting a one day workshop to collate and present research work by research scholars at the Web Sciences lab, IIIT Bangalore. Research Scholars will present their work, discuss ideas, share problems encountered, retrospect and provide updates on their progress.

Following is the schedule for the workshop

Time Task
9:30 – 9:45 Overview of the work done by lab in past 6 months – Prof Srinath Srinivasa
10:30 – 11:00 Inferencing in the Large:Towards Automation of Semantic Integration and Knowledge Representation of Open Data – Presenter : Asha Subramanian
11:00 – 11:30 A talk on Trust and Mediation – Presenter : Praseeda
11:30 – 12:00 Narratives Plot Comparison – Presenter : Sharath Srivatsa
12:00 – 12:30 Framework for Mediation Driven Learning – Presenter : Chaitali Diwan
12:30 – 1:30 Break for lunch
1:30 – 2:00 A talk on The Marketplace of Opinions – Presenter : Raksha
2:00 – 2:30 Semantic Summarization from User Generated Short Reports – Presenter : Jaya
2:30 – 3:30 Open discussion with all the participants on “Research and Me”

The abstracts of various talks are given below.

Title: Inferencing in the Large: Towards Automation of Semantic Integration and Knowledge Representation of Open Data

Abstract: Data available on public domain especially though open data initiatives such as,, publish useful information on various aspects of government policies and administration. One could derive immense insights by semantically integrating such datasets across various domains. Semantic Integration involves extraction of common domains or themes that explain a collection of datasets by identifying unique resources for data values and relations amongst rows of data across these datasets using known or custom vocabularies and knowledge bases. The natural taxonomy and classification of the entities, instances and properties in the vocabularies allow for extraction of themes relevant to the datasets. Multiple research efforts have addressed the problem of semantic annotation of web tables and csv tables, which mainly involves interpreting tabular data by linking them to relevant vocabularies, however they have not focussed on the problem of semantic integration of tables. Linking Government Data is an active research interest. The current process to semantically link such datasets is largely manual and involves manual identification of vocabularies, classes and properties for each dataset, creating templates which will then automate the process of mapping the data to the identified vocabularies.
Our work presents two models, 1) the generation of semantically linked data for the open datasets using vocabularies from LOD cloud such as Dbpedia, YAGO,, UMBEL etc and 2) representing the data in an intuitive home-grown Knowledge Representation Framework called MWF (Many Worlds on a Frame), a framework loosely modelled on Kripke Semantics. MWF allows for rich representation of data across two aspects – the type hierarchy(is-a) relationship and the containment hierarchy(is-in) relationship supported by roles and associations to transform the open datasets into a web of semantically interlinked themes and their associations.

Title: Understanding  trust in mediation

Abstract: Intermediaries have always been a part of the society. It was individuals who played a role of broker to orchestrate and facilitate transactions between various parties. Click here for more

Title: Narratives Plot Comparison

Abstract: Narratives are extremely versatile way of telling imaginary or fictional and true or empirical incidents whereas expositions are simple and concise documentation based on true and well researched content. Writing narratives is not bounded by any style, it is limited by the author’s intention to entertain, his experience and effort to compose. A similar message can be conveyed in varying grades of style and illustrative cases and hence comparing two narratives and scoring their similarity is non-trivial. Narratives have two aspects the flow of events called the Fabula and the expression style called Discourse, both aspects affect the reading experience and the impact of the intention or message to be conveyed by the author. Our hypothesis is that two narratives can be compared by matching the verbs and nouns of events of each subject. Click here for more

Title: Framework for Mediation Driven Learning

Abstract: Learning is a complex process in which the learner experiences permanent and lasting changes in knowledge, behaviour, or ways of processing the world. Every learner is unique and learns and perceives things differently, at a different pace. In the classroom environment which is designed for an average student, same content is delivered to all the students in the same way. There is a fundamental flaw in designing the curriculum in this way for an average student, since there are virtually no students who fit into this category of average [1]. Hence, there is a need to address the individuality of the student for effective learning. A learning theory called as “Independent Learning” addresses this. Independent learning encourages and enables students to become self-directed in their learning experiences and to have more autonomy and control over their learning. In addition to this, it is found that learning is very effective where there is a collaboration with other learners. In our work, we propose the concept of “mediation driven learning” which builds upon the theories of independent learning and collaborative learning and uses the power of Web to mediate or facilitate learning. We create a framework for mediation driven learning where we get the learners and tutors together on one platform and provide a mediation algorithm that finds an optimal matching between the learners and tutors for a particular learning concept. Click here for more

Title: Understanding the Marketplace of Opinions

Abstract: Our understanding of web has been evolving from that of a passive repository to a participatory socio-cognitive space, where human beings are participants rather than users of it. More than effecting the daily transactions this space has created a huge impact on how thoughts are shaping at individual level and also in a community. To be able to interpret how the society is transforming, it is very important to understand how the web is impacting the social cognition….Click here for more

Title: Semantic Summarization from User Generated Text Reports

Abstract:Text summarization is an active research area among Natural Language Processing research community. The community have been developed diverse paradigms for generating summary from long documents, even-though there is minimal effort on creating summary from large collection of short and noisy documents. Here, the short documents refers to user generated social media activity messages or any short reports which are generated as part of any closed domain. The proposed research aims to (semi-) automate the process of summary generation from a given set of short documents with more emphasis on the semantics of the document content. The research is initiated with a completely unsupervised techniques. The entire document collection is represented as an undirected graph of key phrases and later the graph clustering, graph centrality based measures and Markov Random Field based factor computation techniques are used to glean the important information. Further simple natural language generation techniques and natural language specific heuristics are applied to generate the candidate sentences for the final summary.

Open Discussion:

During the open discussion, all the participants will briefly share their individual views and comments on whether research pursuits have changed their approach in life towards achieving their passions or goals, and if yes, share their experiences.

Talk on “Web Annotation, Community Narratives and Familiarizing Stories” by Dr. Dinesh from Servelots

Speaker will visit the idea of Renarration Web with examples from Bio Diversity Protocol and Intangible Heritage of Hampi. He will then look at the ongoing Web Annotation Standards work at the W3C Web Annotation Working Group. Then we will spend some time discussing how the work of Web Sciences Lab can help in finding Similar Stories.

Date: 24th August 2016
Time: 3:00 PM
Venue: IIIT-Bangalore

About the speaker: Dinesh is the technical director at Janastu (, 2002) and Servelots (, 1999) in Bangalore, India which have been providing free and open source (FOSS) solutions and support, including R&D, to SME and NPOs/NGOs. They have introduced the concept of the SWeeT Web architecture and used it with platforms such as “re-narration web” in order to address the issue of contextualisation needs of web content, in particular for the case of low-literate web users who need a multi-lingual re-narration capable Web. He is a member of the W3C Working Group on Web Annotations as an Invited Expert.

Their work in recent years can be capture by these subject tags:
web annotations, social semantic web, location intelligence interpretation, 3d augmenting real spaces, re-narration, community radio, wifi-mesh and anthillhacks

OSL Publications


Srinath Srinivasa. Aggregating Operational Knowledge in Community Settings. Proceedings of ODBASE 2012, Springer LNCS, Rome, Italy, Sep 2012.


Sanket Patil, Srinath Srinivasa. Theoretical Notes on Regular Graphs as applied to Optimal Network Design. Proceedings of the International Conference on Distributed Computing and Internet Technology (ICDCIT 2010), Bhubaneswar, India, February 2010.


Aditya Ramana Rachakonda, Srinath Srinivasa. Vector Based Ranking Techniques for finding Topical Anchors of a Context. Proceedings of COMAD 2009, Mysore, India, December 2009.

Saikat Mukherjee, Srinath Srinivasa, Krithi Ramamritham. On the Complexity of Multi-Query Optimization in Stream Grids. Proceedings of COMAD 2009, Mysore, India, December 2009.

Aditya Ramana Rachakonda, Srinath Srinivasa. Finding the Topical Anchors of a Context using Lexical Cooccurrence Data. Proc. of the 18th ACM Int’l Conf. on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM’09), Hong Kong, China, Nov 2009.

Saikat Mukherjee, Srinath Srinivasa, Krithi Ramamritham. An Autonomous Agent Approach to Query Optimization in Stream Grids. Proceedings of the ACM Int’l Conference on Management of Digital Ecosystems (MEDES ’09), Lyon, France, October 2009.

Sanket Patil, Srinath Srinivasa, and Venkat Venkatasubramanian. Classes of Optimal Network Topologies under Multiple Efficiency and Robustness Constraints. Proc. of the IEEE Int’l Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC 2009), San Antonio, Texas, USA, October 2009, pp. 4940 – 4945


Karthik B R, Aditya Ramana Rachakonda, Srinath Srinivasa. Query Heartbeat: A Strange Property of Keyword Queries on the Web. Proc. of COMAD 2008, Mumbai, India, December 2008.


Saikat Mukherjee, Srinath Srinivasa, Saugat Mitra. WAND: A Robust P2P File System Tree Interface. International Conference on Distributed Computing and Internet Technology (ICDCIT 2007), Banglore, India.

Saikat Mukherjee, Srinath Srinivasa, Sanket Patil. Emergent (Re)Optimization for Stream Queries in Grids. Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2007), IEEE Computer Society Press, September 2007.

Saikat Mukherjee, Srinath Srinivasa, Satish Chandra D. Validating for Liveness in Hidden Adversary Systems. Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Foundations of Interactive Computing (FInCo 2007), Braga, Portugal, CWI Lecture Notes, March 2007.


Mistry Harjinder Singh, Srinath Srinivasa. Basis Graph: Combining Storage and Structure Index for Similarity Search in Graph Databases. Proc. of COMAD 2006, New Delhi, Tata McGraw-Hill, December 2006.

Siddhartha Reddy K, Srinath Srinivasa, Mandar R. Mutalikdesai. Measures of “Ignorance” on the Web. Proc. of COMAD 2006, New Delhi, Tata McGraw-Hill, December 2006.

Shibashis Guha, Srinath Srinivasa, Saikat Mukherjee, Ranajoy Malakar. LogicFence: A Framework for Enforcing Global Integrity Constraints at Runtime. Proceedings of IDEAS 2006, IEEE Computer Society Press, New Delhi, India, December 2006.

Aditya Ramana Rachakonda, Srinath Srinivasa. Incremental Aggregation of Latent Semantics Using a Graph-Based Energy Model. Proceedings of the International Conference on String Processing and Information Retrieval (SPIRE 2006), Glasgow, UK, Springer-Verlag, October 2006.

Mandar R. Mutalikdesai, Srinath Srinivasa. An Online Analytical Framework for Large Hypertext Collections. Proc. of VLDB Doctoral Consortium, Seoul Korea, ECWR Lecture Notes, September 2006.


Srinath Srinivasa, Sanket Patil. A Symmetric Localization Algorithm for MANETs based on Collapsing Coordinates. Proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC), Goa, India, Springer-Verlag, December 2005.

Pradeep S, Chitra Ramachandran, Srinath Srinivasa. Towards Autonomic Websites based on Learning Automata. Proceedings of WWW2005 (Special interest tracks and posters), Chiba, Japan, ACM Press, May 2005.

Anubhav Bhatia, Saikat Mukherjee, Saugat Mitra, Srinath Srinivasa. WAND: A Meta-Data Maintenance System over the Internet. Proceedings of WWW2005 (Special interest tracks and posters), Chiba, Japan, ACM Press, May 2005.

Srinath Srinivasa, Martin Meier, Mandar R. Mutalikdesai, P.S. Gopinath, K.A. Gowrishankar. LWI and Safari: A New Index Structure and Query Model for Graph Databases. Proceedings of COMAD 2005, Goa, India, Tata McGraw-Hill, January 2005.


Dina Goldin, Srinath Srinivasa, Vijaya Srikanti. Active Databases as Information Systems. Proceedings of the International Database Engineering and Applications Symposium (IDEAS ’04), Coimbra, Portugal, Springer-Verlag, July 2004.


Srinath Srinivasa, Sujit Kumar. A Platform Based on the Multi-Dimensional Data Model for Analysis of Bio-Molecular Structures. Proceedings of VLDB 2003. Berlin, Germany, September 2003.

Sujit Kumar, Srinath Srinivasa. A Database for Storage and Fast Retrieval of Structures: A Demonstration. Proceedings of ICDE 2003, Bangalore, India, IEEE Computer Society Press, March 2003.


Srinath Srinivasa, Sumit Acharya, Himanshu Agrawal, Rajat Khare. Vectorization of Structure for Indexing Graph Databases. Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Information Systems and Databases (ISDB 2002), Tokyo, Japan, September 2002.

Conference and Journal Papers


Apurva Kulkarni, Ifrah Abdul Khadar Ramadurg, Srinath Shrinivasa and Sanket Patil. “Introspecting Policy Documents through Semantic Lenses of Sustainable Development Goals”. In Proceedings of the Big-data-analytics in Astronomy, Science and Engineering (BASE) 2024, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series. [to appear]

Apurva Kulakrni, Riya Ptidar, Srinath Srinivasa and Sanket Patil. Semantic SDG-Mapper: Browser Extension for Mapping Sustainable Development Goals to Open Webpages. In Proceedings of the 8th Joint International Conference on Data Science & Management of Data (12th ACM IKDD CODS and 30th COMAD) (CODS-COMAD 2025). [to appear]

Sharath Srivatsa, Aparna M,  Samarth P,  Malavika V, and Srinath Srinivasa. 2025. Parichaya: Rural Colloquial Knowledge AI Interface. In Proceedings of the 8th Joint International Conference on Data Science & Management of Data (12th ACM IKDD CODS and 30th COMAD) (CODS-COMAD ’25). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA. [to appear]


Praseeda, Srinath Srinivasa. ” Gaining Insights into Learner’s Proficiency at Scale using the Learning Map” at T4E 2024, The International Conference on Technology for Education, IIT Gandhinagar, Dec 2024 [to appear]

Janvi Chhabra, Jayati Deshmukh, Arpitha Malavalli, Karthik Sama, Srinath Srinivasa. “Modeling the Dynamics of Identity and Fairness in Allocation Games.” In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems (PRIMA 2024), Kyoto, Japan, Nov 2024 (to appear).

Apurva Kulkarni, Srinath Srinivasa, and Sanket Patil. “SDG Aligned Data Warehouse Implementation over Open Government Data” at the DEXA, Electronic Government and the Information Systems Perspective (EGOVIS) 2024, Naples, Italy.

Janvi Chhabra, Karthik Sama, Jayati Deshmukh, and Srinath Srinivasa. “Evaluating computational models of ethics for autonomous decision making”. In: AI and Ethics 2024 (Aug. 2024), pp. 1–14. issn: 2730-5961. [pdf]

Pooja Bassin, Abraham G K, Srinath Srinivasa. 2024. Design of a Data-driven Intervention Dashboard for SDG Localization. In Proceedings of the 33rd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI’24) Jeju Island, South Korea.[link]

Niharika Sri Parasa, Chaitali Diwan, Srinath Srinivasa and Prasad Ram. 2024. An Automated Approach to Generating Conceptual Riddles. The 28th Pacific Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD), Taipei, Taiwan, May 7-10,2024. [arXiv :]

Asilata Karandikar. 2024. What Makes Consent Meaningful? In 16th ACM Web Science Conference (Websci Companion ’24), May 21–24, 2024, Stuttgart, Germany. ACM, New York, NY, USA 5 Pages.

Janvi Chhabra, Jayati Deshmukh and Srinath Srinivasa. 2024. Modelling the Dynamics of Subjective Identity in Allocation Games. In Proceedings of the 2024 International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS ’24). [link]

Karthik Sama, Jayati Deshmukh and Srinath Srinivasa. 2024. Social Identities and Responsible Agency. In Proceedings of the 2024 International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS ’24). [link]

Balambiga Ayappane, Rohith Vaidyanathan, Srinath Srinivasa, Santosh Kumar Upadhyaya, and Srinivas Vivek. 2024. Consent Service Architecture for Policy-Based Consent Management in Data Trusts. In Proceedings of the 7th Joint International Conference on Data Science & Management of Data (11th ACM IKDD CODS and 29th COMAD) (CODS-COMAD ’24). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 155–163.

Sharath Srivatsa, Aparna M, Sai Madhavan G, and Srinath Srinivasa. 2024. Knowledge Management Framework Over Low Resource Indian Colloquial Language Audio Contents. In Proceedings of the 7th Joint International Conference on Data Science & Management of Data (11th ACM IKDD CODS and 29th COMAD) (CODS-COMAD ’24). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 553–557. .


Bhoomika A P,  Srinath Srinivasa, Vijaya Sarathi Indla, and Saikat Mukherjee. Vector-Based Semantic Scenario Search for Vehicular Traffic. International Conference on Big-Data-Analytics in Astronomy, Science and Engineering, BASE 2023, Springer LNCS.

Aparna, M., Srivatsa, S., Sai Madhavan, G., Dinesh, T.B., Srinivasa, S. (2024). AI-Based Assistance for Management of Oral Community Knowledge in Low-Resource and Colloquial Kannada Language. In: Sachdeva, S., Watanobe, Y. (eds) Big Data Analytics in Astronomy, Science, and Engineering. BDA 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14516. Springer, Cham.

Mishra, P., Diwan, C., Srinivasa, S., Srinivasaraghavan, G.. AI based approach to trailer generation for online educational courses. CSIT (2023).

Pooja Bassin, Srinath Srinivasa, Mukund Raj. Representation and Intervention Constructs for SDG Localisation. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications in Environmental, Social and Governance(AIESG), December 08-09, 2023 at IIM Bangalore. [link]

Pooja Bassin, Srinath Srinivasa, Mukund Raj. Addressing Modelling Challenges for SDG Localisation. International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD), September 18-20, 2023 [link]

Jayati Deshmukh, Nikitha Adivi, and Srinath Srinivasa. (2023). Resolving the Dilemma of Responsibility in Multi-agent Flow Networks. In: Mathieu, P., Dignum, F., Novais, P., De la Prieta, F. (eds) Advances in Practical Applications of Agents, Multi-Agent Systems, and Cognitive Mimetics. The PAAMS Collection. PAAMS 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 13955. Springer, Cham.

Janvi Chhabra, Karthik Sama, Jayati Deshmukh, and Srinath Srinivasa. (2023). When Extrinsic Payoffs Meet Intrinsic Expectations. In: Mathieu, P., Dignum, F., Novais, P., De la Prieta, F. (eds) Advances in Practical Applications of Agents, Multi-Agent Systems, and Cognitive Mimetics. The PAAMS Collection. PAAMS 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 13955. Springer, Cham.

Sowmith Nandan Rachuri, Arpitha Malavalli, Niharika Sri Parasa, Pooja Bassin, Srinath Srinivasa. Modeling the Impact of Policy Interventions for Sustainable Development. IJCAI Macao 2023. Demo Track [link]

Jayati Deshmukh, Emergent Responsible Autonomy in Multi-Agent Systems. AAMAS 2023 Doctoral Consortium, London, UK, May 2023. [link]

Jayati Deshmukh, Nikitha Adivi and Srinath Srinivasa. Modeling Application Scenarios for Responsible Autonomy using Computational Transcendence. AAMAS 2023, London, UK, May 2023. [link]

Praseeda, “Representing assimilation patterns for learning”, LAK23: 13th International Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference. Association for Computing Machinery, 272-278, March 2023, Arlington, Texas, USA.

Praseeda, M. N. Choudhury, B. S. Chadha and S. Srinivasa, “A Systematic Review of Online Learning Platforms for Computer Science Courses,” 2023 IEEE World Engineering Education Conference (EDUNINE), Bogota, Colombia, 2023, pp. 1-6, [ link ]


Apurva Kulkarni, Pooja Bassin, Niharika Sri Parasa, Srinath Srinivasa, Vinu EV, Chandrashekar Ramanathan. Ontology Augmented Data Lake System for Policy Support10th International Conference on Big Data Analytics in Astronomy, Science and Engineering (BASE) December 05 – 07, 2022

Chaitali Diwan, Srinath Srinivasa, Gandharv Suri, Saksham Agarwal, Prasad Ram. “AI-based Learning Content Generation and Learning Pathway Augmentation to Increase Learner Engagement“, Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence, 2022,100110,ISSN 2666-920X, doi:

Deshmukh J and Srinivasa S (2022) Computational Transcendence: Responsibility and agencyFront. Robot. AI 9:977303. doi: 10.3389/frobt.2022.977303

Pooja Bassin. “Network Learning on Open Data to aid Policy Making”, Ph.D. Symposium track at “41st International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER 2022) Online (Virtual), October 17-20, 2022

Pooja Bassin, Srinath Srinivasa, Sridhar Mandyam. “A Data-driven Approach for Supporting Policy Intervention in Sustainable Development”. Theme “Connecting Science and Policy”, Track “Collaboration Models for the SDGs” at “International Conference on Sustainable Development, September 19-20, 2022 [Online]” Conference Proceedings can be found here

Niharika Sri Parasa, Chaitali Diwan and Srinath Srinivasa. “Automatic Riddle Generation for Learning Resources”. Proceedings of International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED), Durham University, UK, 2022.

Prakhar Mishra, Chaitali Diwan, Srinath Srinivasa and G.Srinivasaraghavan. “A Semi-automatic approach for Generating Video Trailers for Learning Pathways”. Proceedings of International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED), Durham University, UK, 2022.

J. Deshmukh and S. Srinivasa, “Cooperation and the Globalization-Localization Dilemmas,” Complex Systems, 31(1), 2022 pp. 59–85. [pdf]

Aparna Lalingkar, Vyom Audichya, Prakhar Mishra, Sridhar Mandyam and Srinath Srinivasa. Models for finding quality of affirmation and points of intervention in an academic discussion forum. Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence, ISSN 2666-920X, 2022.

Aparna Lalingkar, Parithimalan A, Advait Lonkar, Prakhar Mishra, Sridhar Mandyam and Srinath Srinivasa. Discussion Forum Analyzer: A tool for finding the quality of affirmation and identifying points of intervention in an academic discussion forum. Demo Track at ACM IKDD Conference on Data Science and International Conference on Management of Data (CODS-COMAD), Bangalore, India, January 8-10, 2022.


Prakhar Mishra, Chaitali Diwan, Srinath Srinivasa and G.Srinivasaraghavan. Automatic Title Generation for Learning Resources and Pathways with Pre-trained Transformer Models. International Journal of Semantic Computing (IJSC), Volume No. 15, Issue No. 04, pp. 487 – 510, Year 2021

Pooja Bassin, Niharikasri Parasa, Srinath Srinivasa, Sridhar Mandyam. Big Data Management for Policy Support in Sustainable Development. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Big Data Analytics in Science and Engineering (BASE 2021), Springer LNCS, Aizu, Japan, December 2021.

J. Deshmukh, S. Srinivasa and S. Mandyam, “What Keeps a Vibrant Population Together?,” Complex Systems, 30(3), 2021 pp. 347–373. [pdf]

Srinath Srinivasa, Jayati Deshmukh. Legitimate Open-ended Dissemination of Personal Information. International Semantic Intelligence Conference (ISIC) 2021, New Delhi, India, February 25-27, 2021

Prakhar Mishra, Chaitali Diwan, Srinath Srinivasa and G.Srinivasaraghavan. Automatic Title Generation for Text with Pre-trained Transformer Language Model. 15th IEEE Interantional Conference on Semantic Computing, Virtual, January 27-29, 2021. [nominated for best paper award]

Shyam Kumar V N, Chaitali Diwan, Srinath Srinivasa and Prasad Ram. Creating Navigable Competency Maps from Learning Resource Corpora. International Conference on Data Science and Management of Data (CODS-COMAD) 2021, Bangalore, India, January 2-4, 2021.

Jayati Deshmukh, Raksha Pavagada Subbanarasimha, Pooja Bassin, Venkat Suprabath Bitra, Srinath Srinivasa and Anupama Sharma. An Interactive Simulator for COVID-19 Trend Analysis. Demo Track at International Conference on Data Science and Management of Data (CODS-COMAD) 2021, Bangalore, India, January 2-4, 2021.


Gaurav Koley, Jayati Deshmukh, Srinath Srinivasa. Social Capital as Engagement and Belief Revision. Social Informatics – 12th International Conference, SocInfo 2020, Pisa, Italy, October 5–9, 2020. [Best paper award]

Raksha Pavagada Subbanarasimha, Srinath Srinivasa and Sridhar Mandyam, “Invisible Stories That Drive Online Social Cognition,” in IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, vol. 7, no. 5, pp. 1264-1277, Oct. 2020, doi: 10.1109/TCSS.2020.3009474.

Lalingkar, A., Mishra, P., Mandyam, S., Pattanayk, J. and Srinivasa, S. (2020), Building a Model for Finding Quality of Affirmation in a Discussion Forum, In Proceedings of the 20th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), IEEE, 6th July to 9th July, Turtu, Estonia (Digital Conference).


Aparna Lalingkar, Srinath Srinivasa, and Prasad Ram. (2019). Characterizing Technology-based Mediations for Navigated LearningAdvanced Computing and Communications, 3(2), ACCS Publication, pp. 33-47.

Chaitali Diwan, Srinath Srinivasa, and Prasad Ram. Automatic Generation of Coherent Learning Pathways for Open Educational Resources, In Proceedings of the Fourteenth European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL 2019), Springer LNCS, Delft, Netherlands, 16-19 September 2019.

Praseeda, Srinath Srinivasa and Prasad Ram “Validating the Myth of Average through Evidences” In: The 12th International Conference on Educational Data Mining, Michel Desmarais, Collin F. Lynch, Agathe Merceron, & Roger Nkambou (eds.) 2019, pp. 631 – 634

Raksha Pavagada Subbanarasimha. 2019. Designing the Cogno-Web Observatory: To Characterize the Dynamics of Online Social Cognition. In Proceedings of the Twelfth ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM ’19). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 814-815. DOI:


Srinivasa S., Pavagada Subbanarasimha R. (2018) Design of the Cogno Web Observatory for Characterizing Online Social Cognition. In: Anirban Mondal, Himanshu Gupta, Jaideep Srivastava, P.Krishna Reddy, D.V.L.N. Somayajulu. (eds) Big Data Analytics. BDA 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer, Cham.

Chaitali Diwan, Srinath Srinivasa, and Prasad Ram. Computing Exposition Coherence of Learning Resources, In Proceedings of The 17th International Conference on Ontologies, Databases and Applications of Semantics (ODBASE 2018), Springer LNCS, Valletta, Malta, October 22-26, 2018.

Sharath Srivatsa, Srinath Srinivasa. Narrative Plot Comparison Based on a Bag-of-actors Document Model. In Proceedings of the 29th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media (ACM HT’18), Baltimore, USA, ACM Press, July 2018.

Lalingkar. A., Srinivasa, S. and Ram, P. (2018). Deriving semantics of learning mediation, In Proceedings of the 18th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), IEEE, 9th July to 13th July, IIT Bombay.

Raksha Pavagada Subbanarasimha, Lokesh Todwal, Mamillapalli Rachana, Aditya Naidu, and Srinath Srinivasa. 2018. Mithya: A Framework For Identifying Opinion Drivers On Social Media. Demo at ACM IKDD Conference on Data Science and International Conference on Management of Data, Goa, India, Jan 2018 (CODS-COMAD 2018).

Sumant Kulkarni, Srinath Srinivasa, Tahir Dar. 2018. Syncretic Matching: Story Similarity Between Documents. In Proceedings of ACM IKDD Conference on Data Science and International Conference on Management of Data, Goa, India, Jan 2018 (CODS-COMAD 2018).


S. K. Gudla, J. Bose, V. Gajam and S. Srinivasa, “Relevancy Ranking of User Recommendations of Services Based on Browsing Patterns,” 2017 16th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA), Cancun, 2017, pp. 765-768. doi: 10.1109/ICMLA.2017.00-66

Lalingkar, A. (2017). Applet Ontology as a Tool for Automatic Assessment of Applet-based Assessment TasksJournal of Computers in Education, 1-19,

Asha Subramanian, Anmol Garg, Omang Poddar and Srinath Srinivasa. Towards Semantically Aggregating Indian Open Government Data from Proceedings of the 16th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2017), Posters and Demos, CEUR-WS, October 2017.

Anish Bhanushali, Raksha Pavagada Subbanarasimha, and Srinath Srinivasa. Identifying Opinion Drivers on Social Media. In Proceedings of ODBASE 2017, Rhodes, Greece, October 23-27, 2017,  Springer International Publishing, Cham, 242–253.

Chaitali Diwan, Srinath Srinivasa, Bala Murali Krishna. Autonomous Spectrum Assignment of White Space Devices. Proceedings of the 12th EAI International Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks (CROWNCOM 2017), Lisbon, Portugal. September 2017.


Asha Subramanian, Ved Kurien Mathai, Vikkurthi Manikanta, Janaki Vinesh Joshi and Srinath Srinivasa. Semantic Integration of Open Data Tables. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Ontologies, Databases and Applications of Semantics (ODBASE 2016), Rhodes, Greece, October 2016.

Aastha Madaan, Tiropanis Thanassis, Srinath Srinivasa, Wendy Hall. Observlets: Empowering Analytical Observations on Web Observatory, WWW’16 Companion Volume, April 11–15, 2016, Montréal, Québec, Canada. Tahir Ahmad Dar, Sumant Kulkarni, Srinath Srinivasa, and Ullas Nambiar. UCliDSS: An Unsupervised Clinical Decision Support System for Text. Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Management of Data (COMAD 2016), March 11-13, 2016 Pune, India.


Asha Subramanian. Inferencing in the Large: Characterizing Semantic Integration of Open Tabular Data. Doctoral Consortium of the International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2015), Pennsylvania, US, October 2015.

Anoop Kumar Pandey and Srinath Srinivasa. Entity Resolution using Co-occurrence Graph and Continuous Learning. In International Workshop on Applications in Information Technology (IWAIT 2015). University of Aizu Press, 2015.

Asha Subramanian, Srinath Srinivasa, Vignesh S, Pavan Kumar R R. Semantic Integration of Structured Data Powered by Linked Open Data. Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics (WIMS 15), Limassol, Cyprus, July 2015.

Nirmal Kumar Sivaraman, Srinath Srinivasa. Abstractions, Expressions and Online Collectives. Proceedings of ACM Web Science 2015, Oxford University, UK, June 2015.

Jayati Deshmukh, Srinath Srinivasa. Evolution of Cooperation with Entrenchment Effects. Proceedings of the International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS 2015), Istanbul, Turkey, ACM Press, May 2015.

Chinmay Jog, Sweety Agrawal, Srinath Srinivasa. Distributing a Trust Framework for Utilitarian Data Exchanges in Inter-Organizational Collaborations.Proceedings of the Second ACM iKDD Conference on Data Sciences (CoDS 2015), March 2015, Bangalore, India.


MS Srinivasan, Srinath Srinivasa, Sunil Thulasidasan. A comparative study of two models for celebrity identification on Twitter. In proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Management of Data (COMAD 2014), Hyderabad, India, December 2014.

Sumant Kulkarni, Priyanka Shukla, Srinath Srinivasa. Akshaya: A Framework for Mining General Knowledge Semantics From Unstructured Text. Demo Paper in the 20th International Conference on Management of Data (COMAD 2014), Hyderabad, India, December 2014.

Sumant Kulkarni, Srinath Srinivasa. SortingHat: A Deep Matching Framework to Match Labeled Concepts. Demo Paper in the 20th International Conference on Management of Data (COMAD 2014), Hyderabad, India, December 2014.

Chinmay Jog, Sweety Agrawal, Srinath Srinivasa. RootSet: A Distributed Trust-based Knowledge Representation Framework For Collaborative Data Exchange. Demo Paper in the 20th International Conference on Management of Data (COMAD 2014), Hyderabad, India, December 2014.

Sweety Agrawal, Chinmay Jog, Srinath Srinivasa. Integrity Management in a Trusted Utilitarian Data Exchange Platform. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Ontologies, Databases and Applications of Semantics (ODBASE 2014), Amantea, Italy, October 2014.

Aditya Ramana Rachakonda, Srinath Srinivasa, Sumant Kulkarni, M S Srinivasan. A Generic Framework and Methodology for Extracting Semantics from Co-occurrencesData & Knowledge Engineering, Elsevier, Volume 92, July 2014, Pages 39–59. DOI: 10.1016/j.datak.2014.06.002.

Sumant Kulkarni, Srinath Srinivasa, Jyotiska Nath Khasnabish, Karthikay Nagal, Sandeep Kurdagi. SortingHat: A Framework for Deep Matching Between Classes of Entities. Proceedings of 10th International Workshop on Information Integration on the Web (IIWeb 2014) co-located with ICDE 2014, Chicago, Illinois, USA, March 2014.

Srinath Srinivasa, Sweety Agrawal, Chinmay Jog and Jayati Deshmukh. Characterizing Open Utilitarian Knowledge. Proceedings of the First IKDD Conference on Data Sciences (CoDS 2014), New Delhi, India, March 2014.

Rajeev Arora, Srinath Srinivasa. A Faceted Classification of the Opinion Mining Landscape. COMSNETS Workshop on Science and Engineering of Social Networks (SCINSE), Bangalore, India, Jan 2014.


Sumant Kulkarni, Srinath Srinivasa. TRIEIR: Indexing and Retrieval Engine for Kannada Unicode Text. Proceedings of ICADL 2013, Springer LNCS, Bangalore, India, Dec 2013.

Sweety Agrawal, Chinmay Jog, Srinath Srinivasa. A Semantic Data Mesh for Publishing of and Knowledge Aggregation from Open Data. Proceedings of NSDI 2013, Mumbai, India, Nov 2013 (editorial review).

Sweety Agrawal, Jayati Deshmukh, Srinath Srinivasa, Chinmay Jog, Sri Sayi Bhavani Kakarla, Rahul Dhek, Sneha Deshpande, Sana Javed and Vikas Mohandoss. A Survey of Indian Open Data. Proceedings of IBM ICARE 2013. ACM Press. New Delhi, India, Oct 2013.

M S Srinivasan, Srinath Srinivasa, Sunil Tulasidasan. Exploring Celebrity Dynamics on Twitter. Proceedings of IBM ICARE 2013. ACM Press. New Delhi, India. Oct 2013.

Sumant Kulkarni, Srinath Srinivasa, Rajeev Arora. Cognitive Modeling for Topic Expansion. Proceedings of ODBASE 2013, Springer LNCS, Graz, Austria, Sep 2013.

Books and Book Chapters


Rajeev Gupta, Srinath Srinivasa. Proceedings of the Workshop on Enterprise Knowledge Graphs using Large Language Models (EKG-LLM 2023), co-located with 32nd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2023), CEUR Workshop Proceedings #3532, 2023.


Pooja Bassin, Niharika Sri Parasa, Srinath Srinivasa, and Sridhar Mandyam. “Big Data Management for Policy Support in Sustainable Development.” In Big-Data-Analytics in Astronomy, Science, and Engineering: 9th International Conference on Big Data Analytics, BDA 2021, Virtual Event, December 7–9, 2021, Proceedings, p. 3. Springer Nature.


Dharanipragada Janakiram and Naveen Sharma and Srinath Srinivasa (Eds). Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Urban Data Science (UDS). CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol. 2557, Aachen, ISSN: 1613-0073. January 2020.

Srinath Srinivasa and Jayati Deshmukh. “The Evolution of Computational Agency.Novel Approaches to Information Systems Design. IGI Global, 2020. 1-19. ISBN13: 9781799829751


Subramanian, A., and S. Srinivasa. “Semantic Interpretation and Integration of Open Data Tables.” In Geospatial Infrastructure, Applications and Technologies: India Case Studies, pp. 217-233. Springer, Singapore, 2018.


Srinath Srinivasa, Sameep Mehta (Eds.). Big Data Analytics (Vol 3). Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Big Data Analytics, New Delhi, India, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 8883. Springer, December 2014.


Vasudha Bhatnagar, Srinath Srinivasa (Eds.). Big Data Analytics (Vol 2). Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Big Data Analytics, Mysore, India, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 8302. Springer, December 2013.


Srinath Srinivasa, Vasudha Bhatnagar (Eds.). Big Data Analytics. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Big Data Analytics, New Delhi, India, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 7678. Springer, December 2012


Srinath Srinivasa. Data, Storage and Index Models for Graph Databases. In S. Sakr, E. Pardede, “Graph Data Management: Techniques and Applications.” IGI Global, August 2011, ISBN13:9781613500538.


Hsinchun Chen, Michael Chau, Shu-hsing Li, Shalini Urs, Srinath Srinivasa, G Alan Wang (Eds.). Intelligence and Security Informatics. Springer LNCS 6122. June 2010.

Activity Log 2019

17 Dec 2019. Srinath Srinivasa and WSL team conducted Computational Narratology Workshop at AnhillHacks, Devarayana Durga, Karnataka, India

16 Dec 2019. Srinath Srinivasa. Delivered a lecture on Navigated Learning at the Geetha Shishu Shikshana Sangha (GSSS), Mysuru, India.

12 Dec 2019. Srinath Srinivasa. Visited the think tank Public Affairs Centre in relation to the setting up of a Centre for Data Driven Governance at IIITB.

11 Dec 2019. WSL Winter Workshop 2019

25 Nov 2019. Srinath Srinivasa participated in the expert committee meeting of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI), New Delhi.

22 Nov 2019. Srinath Srinivasa presented a talk on Navigated Learning, at the University of Goa, Bambolim, Goa, India.

18 – 20 Nov 2019. Srinath Srinivasa, Raksha P S,  Pooja Bassin and Jayati Deshmukh presented Cogno Web Observatory at Bangalore Tech Summit, 2019

15th Nov 2019. Srinath Srinivasa, Aparna Lalingkar, Prakhar Mishra and Shyam Kumar V N presented a talk “Precision Learning for the Enterprise” to Mphasis through a Webinar. Total 108 participants globally participated in the Webinar.

7 Nov 2019. Srinath Srinivasa participated in the UK-India Tech Partnership Workshop at Bangalore, India.

19 Sep 2019. Chaitali Diwan. Presented her paper entitled “Automatic Generation of Coherent Learning Pathways from Open Educational Resources” at the 14th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning at TU Delft, Netherlands.

9 Sep 2019. Srinath Srinivasa, Chaitali Diwan. Presented a talk entitled “Navigated Learning: Pedagogy for a Connected World” as part of the Mphasis-Samvaad talk series, at IIITB, Bangalore, India.

30 Aug 2019. Srinath Srinivasa. Presented an invited talk entitled “Text, Semantics and Stories” as part of the Samsung-IIITB AI Conclave, Bangalore, India.

27 Aug 2019. Ramesh Sundararaman, Sujit Kumar Chakrabarti, Srinath Srinivasa. Participated in the Huawei University Day to present an overview of IIITB Research in Software Engineering and Data Science, at the Huawei R&D Campus in Bangalore, India.

26th July 2019. Aparna Lalingkar, Shyam Krishna, Kumar Shubham went to the Mphasis main office to show the demo of projects covered in Mphasis CoE for Cognitive Computing during their board meeting.

22 Jul 2019. Srinath Srinivasa and Asha Subramanian (representing PAC India) participated in the launch workshop of the National Data Quality Forum (NDQF), organized by the Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR).

3 Jul 2019. Prasad Ram presented the paper “Validating Myth of Average” at 12th  International Conference on Educational Data Mining at Montreal, Canada

26th June 2019. Mphasis CoE for Cognitive Computing quarterly meeting was held and Precision Learning for Enterprise project demo is presented in the meeting.

10 Jun 2019. Gaurav Koley successfully defended his iMTech thesis entitled “Computing Social Capital as Engagement and Belief Revision”

3 Jun 2019. Praseeda presented her State of the Art Seminar titled “Competency Modeling for Navigated Learning”.

10 May 2019. WSL Research workshop to discuss about current research activities of the lab and the roadmap ahead. Workshop details at

11 Apr 2019. Dr Prasad Ram, Founder of Gooru Inc visited WSL lab and discussed about project updates and future plans.

18 Mar 2019. Chaitali Diwan presented her State of the Art Seminar titled “Automatic Generation of Learning Pathways for Navigated Learning”.

11 Mar 2019.  Aparna conducted a  workshop for Gooru as a resource person on “Navigated Learning” for a short term course at UGC-HRDC, University of Mumbai.

27 Feb 2019. Day long Workshop on Web Science for Development (WS4D) organised at IIIT Bangalore, with Dame Wendy Hall as the keynote speaker and numerous other speakers and participants from academia, industry and startups.

25-26 Feb 2019. Aayushman Khurana, Gaurav Koley, Raksha P S, Srinath Srinivasa participated in the RBCDSAI Web Science Symposium at IIT Madras, Chennai, India. Poster presentations and an invited talk entitled “Characterising Online Social Cognition” were delivered as part of this participation.

14th Feb 2019. Praseeda presented a paper titled “Competency Modeling for Digital Empowerment” at RISE (Research & Innovation Conference) 2019 at IIIT Bangalore.

14th Feb 2019. Chaitali Diwan presented a paper titled “Narrative Arc Computation for Digital Empowerment” at RISE (Research & Innovation Conference) 2019 at IIIT Bangalore.

13th Feb 2019. Aparna Lalingkar gave inaugural talk (as an alumnus) titled “Being a PhD Research Scholar: My Experiences” at RISE (Research & Innovation Conference) 2019 at IIIT Bangalore.

11-15 Feb 2019. Raksha P S presented a paper titled “Designing the Cogno-Web Observatory: To Characterize the Dynamics of Online Social Cognition” at the Twelfth ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM ’19), Melbourne, Australia.

5 Feb 2019. Prof Oliver Gunther, President of the University of Potsdam, Germany visited IIIT Bangalore and had interactions on various research projects of WSL lab and some startups incubated at IIIT Bangalore.

31 Jan 2019. Srinath Srinivasa participated as a panelist in the Awareness Workshop on Cyber Security and Privacy in Education, organised by Cyber Security Center of Excellence of the Government of Karnataka, Privacy Virtuoso, IISc and KSCST Bengaluru, at CSA Department, IISc, Bengaluru.

30 Jan 2019. Srinath Srinivasa participated in the Task Group Meeting on Big Data in Governance, of the Karnataka Jnana Aayoga, Vikasa Soudha, Bangalore.

25 Jan 2019. Dr Prasad Ram, Founder of Gooru Inc visited WSL lab and discussed about project updates and future plans.

19 Jan 2019. Srinath Srinivasa and Jayati Deshmukh participated in the ThoughtWorks E4R (Engineering for Research) Symposium on Complex Systems. Pune, India.

8 Jan 2019. Prof. Sharma Chakravarthy from UT Arlington presented a talk on “Graph Analysis: Decomposition-Based Analysis Using Multilayer Networks” at IIIT Bangalore.

Activity Log 2018

19 Dec 2018. Srinath Srinivasa presented an invited talk titled “Design of the Cogno Web Observatory for Characterizing Online Social Cognition” at The Sixth International Conference On Big Data Analytics (BDA) at NIT Warangal.

17-18 Dec 2018. Aparna Lalingkar presented series of talks in “Recent Trends in Teaching-Learning Technology” at North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon on Navigated Learning and Semantic Web technology and Education.

12 Dec 2018. Srinath Srinivasa participated as a panelist discussing the role of technology clusters in promoting innovation, at the IndoUK FutureTech conference, New Delhi, India.

11 Dec 2018. Srinath Srinivasa participated as a member of the technical panel of experts for the National Data & Analytics Portal at NITI Aayog, New Delhi, India.

7 Dec 2018. Praseeda successfully cleared her comprehensive exam.

23 Nov 2018. REACH Workshop was held at IIIT Bangalore. Click on REACH workshop 2018 for details.

21 Nov 2018. WSL workshop focused to reflect on the research progress in the last semester.

21 Nov 2018. Prof. Rajendra Bera presented an invited talk titled “Connecting the dots” as a part of the course The Web and The Mind.

12 Nov 2018. Srinath Srinivasa. Participated as a member of the Executive Committee on Data, at the EC meeting of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI), New Delhi, India.

8-9 Nov 2018. Srinath Srinivasa and Manish Gupta participated in the Falling Walls venture pitch, at the Falling Walls conference 2018, Berlin, Germany.

30 Oct 2018 – 1 Nov 2018. Aparna Lalingkar and Raksha P S presented posters titled “Learning Navigator – A Platform for Navigated Social Learning” and “Designing the Cogno – Web Observatory: To Characterise the Dynamics of Online Social Cognition” respectively at the 14th FICCI HIGHER EDUCATION SUMMIT 2018, at Vigyan Bhavan, New Delhi.

22-26 Oct 2018. Chaitali Diwan presented her work “Computing Exposition Coherence of Learning Resources” at the 17th International Conference on Ontologies, Databases and Applications of Semantics (ODBASE 2018), Valletta, Malta.

15 Oct 2018. Prof Srinath Srinivasa, Raksha P S, Chaitali Diwan presented a talk on “Understanding a post-web world” at Samvaad, IIIT Bangalore.

29 Sept 2018. Article published in New Indian Express regarding the Web Observatory project at WSL.

27 Sept 2018. Prof Sridhar Mandyam participated in the panel discussion on ” Leverage Cognitive Computing to address Challenges in Digital Empowerment” as a part of Symposium on “Cognitive Computing and Social Innovation” conducted by IIIT Bangalore and Mphasis. Praseeda moderated this panel discussion.

6 Sept 2018. Chaitali Diwan successfully cleared her comprehensive exam.

9-12 July. Aparna Lalingkar presented poster of her work “Deriving semantics of learning mediation” at the 18th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT) at IIT Bombay.

9-11 July. Sharath Srivatsa presented his work “Narrative Plot Comparison Based on a Bag-of-actors Document Model” in 29th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media (ACM HT’18) at Baltimore, USA.

10-11 July. Raksha P S attended “InDITA conference on Digital Inclusion through Trust and Agency” held at IIITB.  She also hosted a session named “Effects of Digital Identities (multiple) on Human Cognition or Behavior”. Key points of the session can be found in this link:

21-25 May 2018. Prof Srinath Srinivasa visited Web Science Institute, University of Southampton and City University of London, United Kingdom. Also presented a talk titled “Many Worlds on a Frame, Characterizing online social cognition” at the University of Southampton.

18 May 2018. Asha Subramanian successfully defended her Thesis titled “Semantic Integration And Knowledge Representation Of Open Data, Powered By Linked Open Data“.

15 May 2018. WSL. “Web Science Lab Workshop” at IIIT Bangalore discussing the research activities happening in the lab.

14 May 2018. Dr Prasad Ram, CEO of Gooru Learning visited Gooru Labs at IIITB for research collaborations and discussions.

26 April 2018. Project Reviews of all the projects in WSL.

13 April 2018. Jaya Appukuttan presented her seminar on the state-of-the-art and the thesis proposal entitled, “Semantic Summarization of User Generated Short Reports”.

3rd April 2018. Aravindh Raman from King’s College London presented his work “Content Delivery at the Edge: Possibilities and Solutions” at IIIT-Bangalore.

2nd April 2018. Prof. Oliver Guenther, President of the University of Potsdam, Germany visited IIIT-Bangalore and Gooru Labs. He delivered a talk “Defining a University Strategy – A European Perspective”.

5-9 March 2018. Prof. Srinath Srinivasa visited Gooru HQ at Redwood City, California for research and collaboration.

12th Jan 2018. Dr Prasad Ram, CEO of Gooru Learning visited Gooru Labs at IIITB and other teams in India. Several discussion meetings held at Gooru labs, whose minutes can be found in Gooru Knowledge Base.

11–13 Jan 2018. Raksha P S, Chaitali Diwan, Praseeda Kalkur. Participated in the 18th International Conference on Management of Data and Data Science (COMAD-CODS) at Goa, India.

3 Jan 2018. Dmytro Karamshuk, Senior Data Scientist at Skyscanner, presented his work on “Bridging big data and qualitative methods in the social sciences” at Gooru Labs, IIIT-Bangalore.

Activity Log 2017

11 December 2017. Srinath Srinivasa. Presented a talk entitled “A Case for Open-ended Data” at E-governments Foundation, Bengaluru.

28 November 2017. WSL. “Web Science Lab Workshop” at IIIT Bangalore. WSL Workshop 2017

23-25 October 2017. Raksha P S. Participated in the International Conference on Ontologies, Databases, and Applications of Semantics (ODBASE 2017), at Rhodes, Greece, and presented a research paper entitled: “Identifying Opinion Drivers on Social Media

23-25 October 2017. Asha Subramanian and Srinath Srinivasa. Participated in the 16th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2017), at Vienna, Austria, and presented a demo paper entitled: “Towards Semantically Aggregating Indian Open Government Data from data. gov. in

16 October 2017. Raksha P S presented her seminar on the state-of-the-art and the thesis proposal entitled, “Characterizing the marketplace of opinions.”

13 October 2017. Jaya Appukuttan successfully cleared her comprehensive exam.

20-21 September 2017. Chaitali Diwan presented paper “Autonomous Spectrum Assignment of White Space Devices” at 12th EAI International Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks (CROWNCOM 2017), held in Lisbon, Portugal.

5 September 2017. Gooru labs was formally inaugurated at IIIT Bangalore, by Prof. Rajagopalan, Dr. Sridhar Mitta and Dr. Prasad Ram.

4 August 2017. Asha Subramanian completed her open seminar entitled, “Semantic Integration and Knowledge Representation of Open Data Powered by Linked Open Data” as a pre-requisite requirement to the submission of her PhD thesis.

21-30 June 2017. Srinath Srinivasa visited Gooru HQ at Redwood City, California as part of the ongoing collaboration for setting up Gooru Labs at IIIT Bangalore.

5–8 June 2017. Asha Subramanian presented her work at the Data Science Congress 2017 held in CIDCO Convention Centre, Vashi, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. Abstract of the paper can be found at Abstract

27 April 2017. Raksha P S finished her PhD Comprehensive exam.

24 April 2017. Final Project reviews for Semester Jan-May 2017 at Web Science Lab IIIT Bangalore.

19 April 2017 – 20 April 2017. Workshop on Big Data Engineering at IIIT Bangalore. This workshop is a part of a project Co-creation of a Center of Excellence in Big Data Engineering , a collaboration between IIIT-B and City University London, to set up a centre of excellence in Big Data Engineering.

8 April 2017. Asha Subramanian and Raksha P S presented poster and demo of their work at RISE “Open House,” IIIT Bangalore.

7 April 2017. Asha Subramanian and Raksha P S presented their work at PhD Colloquium, IIIT Bangalore.

29 March 2017. Srinath Srinivasa, Dean R & D, IIIT Bangalore. Attended European Research Council (ERC) meeting in Delhi representing IIIT Bangalore.

15 March 2017. Visit of Prasad Ram(Pram), Founder and CEO of at Web Science Lab, IIIT Bangalore.

13 March 2017. Project Review 2 of the projects at Web Science Lab, IIIT Bangalore.

8 February 2017. Srinath Srinivasa. Took office as the Dean (R&D) of IIIT Bangalore.

6 February 2017. Project Review 1 of the projects at Web Science Lab, IIIT Bangalore.

9th January 2017 – 13th January 2017. Srinath Srinivasa, Visited Gooru HQ at Redwood City, California, as a part of continuing the collaboration initiative.

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