Activity Log 2016

21 December 2016. Sumant Kulkarni successfully defended PhD. thesis entitled, “Mining Labeled Semantics across Terms and Documents in User Generated Text Corpora.”

19 December 2016. WSL. “Web Science Lab Workshop” at IIIT Bangalore. WSL workshop

11th December 2016 – 17th December 2016. Srinath Srinivasa, Visited Gooru HQ at Redwood City, California, as a part of continuing the collaboration initiative.

29 November 2016. Web Science Lab. WebScience@10 -celebrating 10 years of Web Science. Events were run in Berlin, London and Chicago and WebScience@10 ‘TV channel’ and followed on hashtag #websci10. The event showed the world a day in the life of Web science by showing videos from different countries, IIIT -Bangalore was featured in this. The video is available at

21 November 2016. Srinath Srinivasa. Participated as an external member of the thesis exam committee of an MS thesis defence at the Supercomputer Education and Research Centre, IISc, Bangalore.

9 November 2016. Praseeda. Presented a talk on “Trust, CBAC and Blockchains” at Web Science Lab, IIIT Bangalore.

26 October 2016. Asha Subramanian. Presented her paper at the 15th International Conference on Ontologies, Databases and Applications of Semantics (ODBASE 2016), Rhodes, Greece.
Paper details : Subramanian, Asha, Ved Kurien Mathai, Vikkurthi Manikanta, Janaki Vinesh Joshi, and Srinath Srinivasa. “Semantic Integration of Open-Data Tables.” In OTM Confederated International Conferences” On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems”, pp. 589-607. Springer International Publishing, 2016.

10–14 October 2016. Srinath Srinivasa. Visited the Gooru HQ at Redwood City, California, as part of a collaboration initiative.

16 September 2016. Prasad (Pram) Ram, founder and CEO of Gooru. Presented a talk on “Technology for Social Justice” at IIIT Bangalore.

5–9 September 2016. Raksha S Patel, Asha Subramanian. Attended the 42nd International Conference on Very Large Databases (VLDB 2016), New Delhi, India.

24 August 2016. T B Dinesh, Technical Director, Servelots and Janastu. Presented a talk on “Web Annotation, Community Narratives and Familiarizing Stories” at Web Science Lab, IIIT Bangalore.

10 August 2016. Srinath Srinivasa. Participated as a selection committee member for selection of proposals from a call by NWO-DST, at SERC, IISc, Bangalore.

15 July 2016. Nirmal Kumar Sivaraman and Srinath Srinivasa. Presented a talk entitled, “Modeling Online Groups” and presented an introduction to Web Science, at monthly meetings, Bangalore.

15 June 2016. Anoop Kumar Pandey. Successfully defended MS thesis entitled, “Entity Resolution using Co-occurrence Graph and Continuous Learning.”

7 June 2016. Nirmal Kumar Sivaraman. Successfully defended MS thesis entitled, “A Cognitive Model of Groups and A Computational Model to Analyze Online Groups.”

31 May 2016. Chaitali Diwan. Successfully defended MTech thesis entitled, “Autonomous Spectrum Assignment of Whitespace Devices.”

29 Apr 2016. WSL members interacted with Infosys CorpTech group on research opportunities in Social Network Analysis and Web Science.

1 Apr 2016. Aastha Madaan. Rejoined WSL at IIITB after a six month research exchange at the Web Science Trust, University of Southampton.

12 Mar 2016. Tahir Dar. Presented Demonstration Paper entitled “UCliDSS : An Unsupervised Clinical Decision Support System for text” at International Conference on Management of Data (COMAD2016), Persistent Systems, Hinjewadi, Pune.

24 Feb 2016. Srinath Srinivasa. Delivered a public lecture entitled, “The Web and the Mind” as part of Bangalore Science Forum — a 53 year old tradition featuring public science lectures, National College, Basavanagudi, Bangalore.

21 Jan 2016. Srinath Srinivasa. Delivered an invited talk entitled, “Towards Mathematical Foundations for Social Machines” at the Ramanujan Mathematics for IT conference at IIIT Bangalore.

20 Jan 2016. Srinath Srinivasa. Participated as an invited guest at the launch of Carl Zeiss R&D Center at Bommasandra, Bangalore, India.

6 Jan 2016. Sumant Kulkarni. Presented his Open Seminar entitled “Assorted Algorithms for Semantics Extraction Based on a Co-occurrence Graph Corpus Model” before thesis submission.

Activity Log 2015

24 Nov 2015. Sweety Vinod Agrawal. Successfully defended MS thesis entitled “Integrity Management For Open-ended Dissemination Of Utilitarian Data”

6 Nov 2015. Srinath Srinivasa. Delivered an invited talk entitled, “Big Social Machines: Architecture and Challenges” at Amrita University, Bangalore Campus, Bangalore, India.

29 Oct 2015. WSL members hosted a talk entitled “Social Sensing” by Prof. Nishanth Sastry from King’s College, London, UK.

16–25 Oct 2015. Asha Subramanian. Visiting scholar at the Ohio Centre of Excellence in Knowledge Enabled Computing, Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio, USA.

11–15 Oct 2015. Asha Subramanian. Attended the International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC) at Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA. She presented her paper entitled, “Inferencing in the Large : Characterizing Semantic Integration of Open Tabular Data” at the conference.

9 Oct 2015 — 8 Jan 2016. Aastha Madaan. Visiting scholar at the Web Science Trust at University of Southampton, UK.

5 Oct 2015. Aastha Madaan. Delivered an invited talk entitled: “The Promise of Web Science” at Delhi Univesity, New Delhi.

30 September 2015. WSL members launched the Web Science India Endowment to promote the discipline of Web Science in India.

7 Aug 2015. Asha Subramanian. Won a travel grant of US$1570 from the conference organizers for attending the International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2015) to present her paper.

31 July 2015. Srinath Srinivasa, Aastha Madaan. Visited City University London, UK, as part of the TRUMP and REACH project collaboration.

27 July 2015. Srinath Srinivasa. Participated in a discussion at the City Council of Aberdeen on a vision for Smart Cities.

27 — 30 July 2015. Srinath Srinivasa, Aastha Madaan. Visited the Digital Economy Hub at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland, UK, as part of the TRUMP project collaboration.

23 July 2015. Srinivasan Muthuswamy. Successfully defended MS thesis entitled “Computational Models to Identify Celebrities from Social Media”

19 July 2015. Srinath Srinivasa. Participated in AntHill Summer School and Hack Days 2015. Devarayanadurga Hills, Tumkur, India.

13 — 14 July 2015. Asha Subramanian. Participated in the 5th International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics (WIMS 2015), Limassol, Cyprus.

28 June — 1 July 2015. Srinath Srinivasa. Participated in the ACM Web Science conference, at Keble College, Oxford, United Kingdom.

22 — 24 June 2015. WSL members. Participated in the “PivotPoints” workshop hosted by dot.rural in collaboration with the University of Aberdeen on the theme of participatory frameworks for Smart Cities.

20 June 2015. Srinath Srinivasa. Delivered an invited talk entitled, “Abstractions, Expressions and Online Collectives,” as part of ACM Goa invited talk series.

19 June 2015. Srinath Srinivasa. Visited University of Goa as part of an Academic Audit team to review their MTech and MCA programs.

12 June 2015. Chinmay Jog. Successfully defended his MS thesis entitled, “Distributing a Trust Framework for Utilitarian Data Exchange in Inter-Organizational Collaborations.”

3 June 2015. Srinath Srinivasa. Visited the International School of Information Management (ISIM), University of Mysore, as part of their PhD colloquium.

2 June 2015. Srinath Srinivasa. Participated in a focused group discussion on Gamification and Organizational Behaviour at Trancendix Pvt. Ltd., Koramangala, Bangalore.

1 June 2015. Srinath Srinivasa. Visited the Air Force Command and Training Center in Hebbal Bangalore on invitation to introduce WSL, CDS and IIITB.

25-26 May 2015. Srinath Srinivasa. Participated in the first meeting of all work-package heads of the REACH project, IIT Mumbai, India.

8 May 2015. Srinath Srinivasa, Jayati Deshmukh. Presented WSL at the Complex Systems Lab (SosLab) at Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey.

4-8 May 2015. Srinath Srinivasa, Jayati Deshmukh. Participated in the International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS 2015), Istanbul, Turkey.

15 April 2015. Srinath Srinivasa. Participated in a workshop on “How can European Institutions and Industry engage with India’s new Resarch Universities?” Organized by the EU STI (Science and Technology Initiative) Platform in India. New Delhi.

11 March 2015. Srinath Srinivasa. Participated in the “Graph Day” Workshop at IBM Research, to bring together researchers working on graph data management.

18 Feb 2015. WSL organized a hackathon in conjunction of the launch event of the Web Observatory.

17 Feb 2015. WSL members organized the launch event of the first Indian node in the global Web Observatory grid.

5 Feb 2015. Srinath Srinivasa. Participated in the online kickoff meeting of a EU-India project named, “REACH: Rural Broadband Internet Access using Cooperative Mesh Networking in White Space Spectrum.”

Activity Log 2014

  • WSL members participated in the CDS six-monthly workshop at IIIT-B. November 26 2014.
  • Sweety Agrawal. Presented a paper entitled “Integrity Management in a Trusted Utilitarian Data Exchange Framework” at ODBASE 2014, Amantea, Italy, October 29 2014.
  • Srinath Srinivasa. Presented WSL and CDS at Ericsson Research, Bangalore. Sep 23 2014.
  • Sumant Kulkarni. Successfully completed the comprehensive exam and thesis proposal seminar, qualifying him for candidature towards a PhD. September 18 2014.
  • Sumant Kulkarni, Srinath Srinivasa. Attended review meeting for the project on Intelligent Workflow Management. EMC Bangalore HQ, Mahadevapura. Aug 18 2014.
  • Srinath Srinivasa. Presented WSL and CDS at KayBus Bangalore office. August 14 2014.
  • Srinath Srinivasa. Delivered an invited talk entitled Towards a “Mindful” Web at Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland. July 28 2014.
  • Srinath Srinivasa. Invited by School of Computer Scinence and Statistics and School of Digital Humanities at Trinity College, Dublin for exploring research collaborations. July 27–31 2014.
  • Aastha Madaan joined WSL as post doctoral research faculty on 23 July 2014.
  • Srinath Srinivasa. Attended the second NRDMS review meeting for the Sandesh project at NSDI office, New Delhi. 22 July 2014.
  • Jayati Deshmukh. Successfully defended MTech thesis entitled, “Evolution of Cooperation with Entrenchment Effects.” 16 June 2014.
  • OSL members hosted CrossCurrents, an Indo-UK workshop on the use of digital technology for culture preservation. May 12-14 2014. Photos from the workshop.
  • Srinath Srinivasa. Presented a paper at IIWeb 2014 at Chicago, Illnois, USA. March 31 2014.
  • Chinmay Jog, Sweety Agrawal. Attended ACM CoDS 2014 at New Delhi to present a paper. March 21-23 2014.
  • OSL members hosted a talk, “Towards Intelligent Information Infrastructure” by Prof. Pete Edwards, University of Aberdeen, Scotland, 6 Feb 2014.
  • Srinath Srinivasa. Delivered an invited talk entitled: Utilitarian Aggregation of Open Data at the Social Media Workshop, organized by the British High Commission at IIIT Bangalore. Feb 5-6, 2014.
  • Nisha Bhasia, Tuli Kundu, Divya Maharshi. Organizational volunteers for Social Media Workshop, organized by the British High Commission at IIIT Bangalore. Feb 5-6, 2014.
  • OSL members hosted a talk, “From Big Data to Smart Data” by Prof. Amit Sheth, Wright University. 6 Jan 2014.
  • Srinath Srinivasa. Program Committee member for the 10th ICDE Workshop on Information Integration on the Web (IIWeb), Chicago, Illonis, USA, March 2014.
  • Srinath Srinivasa. Program Committee member for XRCI 2014, Xerox Research Center India Research Symposium, Bangalore, India, March 2014.
  • Srinath Srinivasa. PC Member and Publicity Chair of 7th India Software Engineering Conference (ISEC 2014), Chennai, India, February 2014.

An Open Architecture for Smart Cities

Sponsor and Collaborator: Siemens India

Time Frame: May 2015 — Apr2016

Status: Active

Smart cities are an upcoming area of growth in the region and provide a large gamut of technical challenges in the area of wide area distributed sensing and processing. A significant part of these challenges can be addressed by leveraging upcoming technologies in the fog computing area where edge devices not only collect data and provide control signals but perform local optimizations based on global optimization requirements. However, to implement rapid growth of smart campus/city requires applications. These applications may be on different devices, software, middleware etc. As a result, this heterogeneity is a huge challenge at present to integrate to available system, collect data etc. Hence, one needs to develop a platform agnostic to above complex heterogeneous environment.

This provides an opportunity for both Siemens and IIIT Bangalore to create an open platform to share data and expose relevant APIs using which smart applications can be built by anyone.

Inferencing in the Large: Semantic Integration of Open-Data Tables

Inferencing in the Large (ITL) is a research problem encompassing knowledge extraction, knowledge organisation and knowledge retrieval from open structured data, especially from the Indian Open Government Data.

With vast amounts of tabular data freely available under several Open-Data initiatives, consumption of information depends upon the perspectives of the consumer. These perspectives can be viewed as various contexts the data can be placed in and analysed. Extraction and Organisation of these contexts are non-trivial and we address the problem using semantic integration of open structured data. A collection of open datasets can map to similar contexts (themes) and a single table can map to different themes. ITL presents a model that semantically integrates and aggregates open data in a data mesh of applicable inter-related contexts. Sandesh 1.0 are Sandesh-RDF (v 2.0) are implementations of ITL using open government data from the Indian Open Government Data portal. We use the Linked Open Data (LOD) to associate semantics to the data. The MWF (Many Worlds on a Frame) knowledge framework has been implemented using RDF N-Quads to represent the knowledge extraction in Sandesh-RDF (v 2.0). Sandesh-RDF queries the knowledge graph created from the N-Quads which is the semantic representation of data from The previous version of Sandesh used the default SQLlite implementation of the MWF framework.


Sponsors and Collaborators: Horizon 2020, European Commission

Time Frame: Jan 2016 – Dec 2020

Status – Active

The REACH project aims to develop solution to avail the provision for high speed Internet access in rural India using unlicensed TV white space spectrum and designing the Geolocation database for it. With the wide increase of population and use of Internet in India, the efficient utilization and management of spectrum is needed. The utilization of TV white space spectrum is emerging as a best alternative to fulfill this need since there are many unused channel in TV spectrum due to migration from analog to digital transmission technology.

At IIIT-B, we are working on Distributed Algorithms for Spectrum Assignment for White Space Devices. Spectrum assignment for devices in white-space spectrum is challenging due to the fact that, white-space spectrum has temporal and spatial variations and is most often fragmented. We have created an autonomous agent model for spectrum assignment of white space devices at a given location. Each white space device (WSD) acts autonomously out of self-interest, choosing a strategy from its bag of strategies. It obtains a payoff based on its choice and choices made by all other agents. WSDs interact with each other using a central shared memory located at a “Master” device. Based on payoffs received by different strategies, WSDs evolve their strategic profile over time. This has the effect of “demographic changes” in the population. The system is said to have reached a state of equilibrium (or, in a state of evolutionary best-response) when the demographic profile stabilises. The system is trained on different load profiles to compute their respective evolutionary best responses.

Project Outcomes

  1. Chaitali Diwan. Autonomous Spectrum Assignment of White Space devices. MTech thesis. June 2016.
  2. Chaitali Diwan, Srinath Srinivasa, Bala Murali Krishna. Autonomous Spectrum Assignment of White Space Devices. Proceedings of the 12th EAI International Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks. Lisbon, Portugal. September 2017.
  3. Simulation dashboard for autonomous spectrum allocation algorithm

Other Relevant Links


Sandesh is Semantic Data Mesh for publishing of Knowledge aggregated from Indian Open Data. Open structured data is published by several agencies like World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations Organization (UNO), private firms, NGOs, governmental bodies etc. Government of India publishes open data on its data portal called To aggregate and integrate data from disparate datasets,  a framework called Many Worlds on a Frame (MWF) is proposed. The framework is partially implemented in software called RootSet on top of which, the module Sandesh is implemented.

Center of Excellence in Big Data Engineering

This project aims to establish a collaboration between the International Institute of Information Technology (IIIT-B), with City University London, as the UK partner and Siemens Research, India, as the industry partner, to set up a centre of excellence in Big Data Engineering. With emerging trends like Web Science and the Internet of Things, expertise in Big Data is going to be in high demand in the future.

As part of our initiatives to create a talent pool of research and engineering expertise, IIIT-B has collaborated with several partners in this area on specific projects. This project aims to consolidate our disparate activities in this area and create a Centre of Excellence in Big Data Engineering. The term “Big Data” is defined here to mean any kind of data management problem for which, conventional RDBMS based solutions are inadequate. The “Big” refers to not just the volume of data, but also challenges concerning variety, veracity and velocity of the data.

This centre is hosted by the Web Science Lab at IIIT-B.


  • Prof. Srinath Srinivasa
  • Prof. Vinu E. Venugopal
  • Apurva Kulkarni, Postdoc
  • Praseeda, Research Scholar
  • Raksha, Research Scholar
  • Anish, MTech. Thesis Student


  • Prof Muttukrishnan Rajarajan, City University, Northampton Square, London,
    United Kingdom
  • Dr. Amarnath Bose, Siemens Technology and Service, Bangalore


The centre focuses on integrating open datasets– specially Open Government Data (OGD) and building AI models that can help explain causal dependencies between several variables and indicators pertaining to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

This project involves the creation of Big Data processing pipelines to process different kinds of datasets and create case files for one or more SDG indicators, showing factors that are highly correlated with them. Based on this case file, we build AI models that can potentially identify causal dependencies between these factors and the indicator.

Based on these models, we now perform– predictive or “what if” analysis, and prescriptive analysis. The former is an exploratory exercise that predicts the expected impact of a policy change on SDG indicators in different geographical regions. The latter is another form of exploratory exercise that prescribes values of affecting factors for bringing a given indicator towards its intended target.

We have also developed models for assessing the stability of policy interventions, asking whether a given outcome due to an intervention will sustain over time, or will it revert back to its earlier state, due to disparity in outcomes.

This project also has matching funding from the Planning Dept of the Govt of Karnataka, which supports project staff who develop interactive dashboards based on the models generated, for use by policy makers. All research activities carried out under this project are supported by the BDE centre.


Associated Projects

  • Open City: The project looks at managing large-scale access control of IOT devices data in a secure fashion.
  • Cogno Web Observatory



  • Aniket Mitra and Vinu Venugopal. Enhancing Region-Based Geometric Embedding for Gene-Disease Associations. 7th International Conference on Data Science and Management of Data (CODS-COMAD 2024), Bangalore, India, Jan 2024
  • Apurva Kulkarni, Pooja Bassin, Niharika Sri Parasa, Srinath Srinivasa, Vinu EV, Chandrashekar Ramanathan. Ontology Augmented Data Lake System for Policy Support. 10th International Conference on Big Data Analytics in Astronomy, Science and Engineering (BASE) December 05 – 07, 2022
  • Srinivasa S., Pavagada Subbanarasimha R. (2018) Design of the Cogno Web Observatory for Characterizing Online Social Cognition. In: Anirban Mondal, Himanshu Gupta, Jaideep Srivastava, P.Krishna Reddy, D.V.L.N. Somayajulu. (eds) Big Data Analytics. BDA 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer, Cham.
  • Raksha Pavagada Subbanarasimha, Lokesh Todwal, Mamillapalli Rachana, Aditya Naidu, and Srinath Srinivasa. 2018. Mithya: A Framework For Identifying Opinion Drivers On Social Media. Demo at ACM IKDD Conference on Data Science and International Conference on Management of Data, Goa, India, Jan 2018 (CODS-COMAD 2018).
  • Anish Bhanushali, Raksha Pavagada Subbanarasimha, and Srinath Srinivasa. 2017. Identifying Opinion Drivers on Social Media. In On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems. OTM 2017 Conferences: Confederated International Conferences: CoopIS, C&TC, and ODBASE 2017, Rhodes, Greece, October 23-27, 2017, Proceedings, Part II. Springer International Publishing, Cham, 242–253.

Tweet Summarization

The project involves extracting and collating important information from large volume of  short reports.

  •  Characterization of important entities and actions
  • Mine and associate semantics into entities and actions
  • Semi-automate the summary generation process by generating a set of candidate sentences
  • Based on key entities and key actions of interest
  •  User feedback to refine the sentences
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