22nd October 2023,University of Birmingham, UK

Call For Papers
Knowledge graphs can integrate diverse data sources and provide a holistic view to the downstream applications. By virtue of being structured, knowledge graphs offer transparency and interpretability to the search and recommendations applications. Combining Knowledge Graphs with current-day advances in LLMs can create several opportunities.
The EKG-LLM workshop as part of CIKM 2023, would be addressing how large language models can help with the construction and usage of these enterprise knowledge graphs. This involves improving all the aspects of EKG workflow using large language models: entity extraction, entity enrichment, EKG construction, querying EKG for search and recommendations, scenario specific EKG, etc. Through this workshop we would like to highlight research issues specific to the integration of the enterprise knowledge graphs with large language models and associated applications.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to, the following:
- Designing Enterprise Knowledge Graph (EKG)
- EKG Implementation
- Scalable extraction of enterprise entities using LLMs
- Building EKGs for specific domains or applications
- Natural Language Processing (NLP) algorithms to build EKGs.
- Relationship extraction using large language models
- Federated graph learning with LLMs
- Privacy in graph algorithms
- Privacy preserving graph construction and mining
- Semantic reasoning based on deep learning on graph
- Industrial applications of EKGs: banking, financing, retail, healthcare, medicine, etc.
- Explainable AI based on EKG
- Use of EKG and LLMs for search and recommendations
Manuscripts should be submitted in PDF format with 6 pages of content , plus references. Please follow two-column CEUR style template (https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-XXX/) for paper submissions .
Link for paper submission: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ekgllm2023
Camera-Ready Paper Submission and Registration
Authors of accepted papers should prepare a camera-ready (final) version of their paper and submit it using the EasyChair system no later than Sunday, October 1, 2023. Please email the camera ready version(PDF as well as editable versions (doc/latex)) to rajeev.gupta@microsoft.com , sri@iiitb.ac.in, aparna.m@iiitb.ac.in and bhoomika.ap@iiitb.ac.in.
Each accepted paper requires at least one author to perform in person registration using the link https://uobevents.eventsair.com/cikm2023/cikmauthpreandmain and be presented at the workshop in-person in order to include and publish the paper in the workshop proceedings.
Preparation of Camera Ready Paper
Authors are advised to address the comments of the reviewers in the camera-ready version suitably.
Camera Ready version should be prepared using the two-column CEUR style template (https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-XXX/) and it must adhere to the instructions specified at : https://ceur-ws.org/HOWTOSUBMIT.html#CEURART